Reading Levels and Stratigies

A piece of children’s literature that tells the story of a person’s life.

What is a Biography?


How many books per child should a classroom library contain?

5 to 8 per child.


Stories that are well known and passed down from families and from different countries. They are usually folk-tales, fables, and fairy tales.

What is Traditional Literature?


What are some furnishings for a writing station “Author Spot”?

A table and chairs, colored markers, pencils and crayons, lined white paper and unlined paper in a range of sizes, several computers, book-making materials, colored construction paper, stapler and scissors


A critical part of the literacy station that houses books or book collections on shelves.

What is a Library corner?


What are the levels covers a classroom library?

3 to 4 grade level range.


Books that tell a story through illustrations. There are no words in the book. Children create the story using the pictures. These are not necessarily for very young children because often the stories are quite complicated.

What are Wordless books?


What types of books should be contained in a literacy corner?

Picture books, Informational books, Picture Concept books, Traditional literature, Wordless Books, Poetry, Novels, Biographies, Graphic Novels, Leveled Books.


A classroom area composed of a library corner and writing area.

What is a Library station?


What are ways to display books in a “Library Corner”?

Shelves with spin out, Open display, Baskets.


Can be rhymes or can follow other formulas, such as haiku or acrostics.

What is Poetry?


What types of reading materials are good for a classroom library?

Books, Children’s magazines, Digital books, Menus, Brochures, Advertisements.


Books for very young children that have a theme such as animals. Each page will have a picture of an animal and possibly the name of the animal.

What are Picture concept books?


What are 3 good reading habits to established in children?

Children participating in independent partner reading, having frequent opportunities to read choice texts independently, and reading books that are of high literary quality and interest, represent multiple genres, and are at a greater difficulty level than children could read on their own.


Longer books with chapters, kids like them because they know they are for older kids, they often call them chapter books.

What are Novels?


What are some creative techniques help storytelling come alive?

Puppets, Sound story, Prop stories, Chalk talk, Felt boards and magnetic boards with story characters, and Digital techniques.


These books are the most well known type of children’s literature. They usually are a fictional story where both the pictures and the print play a very important role in the book.

What are Picture storybooks?


What are some good qualities of a narrative story?

A setting with well-delineated characters, a time, and a place. A well-designed theme concerning the problem or goal of the main character. Episodes, which are a series of plot related events that help the main character solve his or her problem or achieve a goal. A resolution, which is the solution to the problem, or the achievement of the goal


Books that come from commercial publishers and have been selected or written based on grade level.

What are Leveled Books?


What activities should a teacher do on a daily basis?

Read or tell narrative and informational stories to children, Discuss literal and interpretive issues in stories read, Allow children to check books out, Have children keep track of the books they have read.
