Comparatives in English tend to end in these two letters.
What is -er?
Superlatives in English usually end in these 3 letters.
What is -est?
This is the adverb ending for all comparative adjectives.
What is -ius?
This is "the longest side" in Latin
What is latus longissimum?
This is the latin word that means "hall"
What is ātrium, ātriī?
Regular comparatives in Latin have these two endings.
What is ior, ius?
Superlative adjectives belong to this/these declension(s).
What is 1st/2nd declension?
This adverb means "most happily" in Latin.
What is laetissimē?
This is "the longest journey" in Latin
What is iter longissimum?
This Latin word means "talented"
What is ingeniōsus, -a, -um?
Comparative adjectives belong to this/these declension(s).
What is the third declension?
You can form the superlative in Latin also by adding the word maximē, which has this meaning in English.
What is most?
This is the comparative adverb meaning "more quickly" in Latin.
What is celerius?
This is "the smaller house" in Latin.
What is domus minor or casa minor?
This is the gender of the Latin word for house.
What is feminine?
This is the irregular superlative of the adjective bonus, "good"
What is melior, melius?
Adjectives which end in -er form the superlative with this ending.
What is (er)rimus?
This declension adjective forms its adverbs with the ending -iter instead of -ē.
What is third declension?
This is "the rather tall mountain" in Latin.
What is mons altior?
This is the conjugation of the Latin word for "open".
What is 4th?
This is the irregular comparative of the adjective paruus, "small".
What is minor, minus?
Adjectives which end in -lis form the superlative by adding this ending.
What is -limus?
This adverb would mean "very badly" or "the most badly" in Latin.
What is pessimē?
This is "the very swift river" in Latin.
What is flūmen celerrimum.
This word is the superlative form of magnus, -a, -um.
What is maximus, -a, -um?