
Founder of the Jesuits or the order of the Society of Jesus. After a military career ending injury, he decided to be a soldier for Christ. 

St. Ignatius of Loyola


What is pluralism?

Giving a bishop charge over more than one diocese. This was eventually forbidden, due to the need for efficiency 


In sessions 17-25, the congregation outlined the doctrines of which sacraments?

 Holy Orders and Matrimony.


What occurs on Oct 7?

 The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary


Known as the “Reformer of Rome”, This saint helped to bring back a spirit of piety to the Eternal City.

St. Philip of Neri


In addition, without the clarification of ________  ___________ and the guiding of the Church, there would be confusion and uncertainty regarding inspired texts and right interpretation.

Sacred Tradition


In sessions 13-14, the congregation outlined the doctrines of which sacraments?



Anointing of the Sick.


What were the first 2 topics discussed in the council of Trent?

Sacred Scripture 

Original Sin


The council of Trent reopened in May 1551 under which Pope?  

Pope Julius III


According to the Council of Trent, what is the source of Catholic belief.

The Tradition of the Church together with the Bible


The Council of Trent was opened and reopened by these specific Popes (name 2)

Pope Paul III

Pope Julius III

Pope Pius IV


While penance forgives the guilt associated with sin, the penitent still needs to make reparation and purification. Name 3 ways this may occur



Corporal works of mercy


Named a Doctor of the Church in 1970. Despite an early life full of illness and health issues, she still believed God wanted her to found a convent of perpetual prayer, thus establishing the Discalced Carmelites. FD - Oct 15

St. Teresa of Avila


The Church teaches that no one can merit _________  ______ of forgiveness and justification. This is granted through _________ and other sacraments that God teaches and allows for us.

Initial Grace



Before the Council of Trent occurred, there were several obstacles or opposition for it. Name 3

Many close advisers of the Pope were against the council, fearing it would mean an end to patronage and financial benefits of their positions 

Protestants attempted to disrupt the council, if their theological positions weren’t accepted. 

German princes and subjects of Charles V would react badly to the condemnation of Lutheranism. 

Henry VIII started his own church and did not want any bishops attending. 

Francis I did not want the French Church to lose its independence.


These 2 Popes were the forerunners of the Catholic reformation. They wished to call a council, but due to political influences, could not during their time.

Pope Adrian VI 

Pope Clement VII


St. Charles Borromeo was made Archbishop of Milan which needed serious reforms. Charles set about reforming the archdiocese through a series of acts. Name 2

  1. Called provincial councils and created diocesan synods. 

  2. Established 3 seminaries for training clergy and required annual retreats for all clerics.

  3. He regularly made visits to his parishes. 

  4. He asked and gained help from other reforming orders such as the Barnabites and Jesuits. 

  5. He founded the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) with 2000 teachers to instruct the children of Milan with 740 schools. 


What is Consilium de emendanda Ecclesia? What did it do?

A commission appointed by the pope to study and report on needed Church reform. 

This commission established the blueprint for the upcoming Council of Trent.


 Rather than continue the council, Pope Paul IV sought to reform Rome. Name 3 ways he did this?

  1. He recreated the Inquisition in Rome to root out heresy. 

  2. He demanded members of the Roman court to give up their materialistic lifestyle. 

  3. He ended the practice of collecting payments for many clerical appointments and cut papal revenues 

  4. He refused to recognize Elizabeth I as Queen of England due to her illegitimacy. 

  5. He tried to stop Spanish political influence in Rome


Aside from the sacraments, what did the sessions 17-25 of The council of Trent cover? (Name 4)

  1. Covered topics of veneration of saints and relics.

  2. Clearly defined the true nature of indulgences. 

  3. Established the seminary system for the education of the clergy. 

  4. Established a list of forbidden books, as well as the authorization to publish a new catechism for the faithful. 
