What is the 30 Years War?
This man was known as the Sun King.
Who is Louis XIV?
Louis XIV built an extravagant palace called...
What is Versailles?
Many English leaders like James I & Charles I HAD to call Parliament because they needed their consent to....
What is tax? (#PowerofthePurse)
This term means to gain complete control over a nation & its people. (or to try to do this)
What is absolutism?
Catherine the Great ruled over Russia during this other world event.
What is the American Revolution?
This man led the Puritan Roundheads in the English Civil War and established the "Protectorate" which turned more into a military dictatorship over England.
Who is Oliver Cromwell?
Frederick William the Great Elector, Frederick the Great ruled this land. A French observer said it was really a military with a state.
What is Prussia?
Russia was constantly in search of these ---to gain access to trade throughout the world, especially farther south.
#BlackSea #FightingTheTurks
To be defenestrated means to be thrown out of a...
What is a window?
Charles I of England was a king ruling by THIS theory--that he was second only to God who gave Charles his power.
What is divine right theory?
Henry IV's wife was a member of this family.
What is the Medici fam?
-Marie de Medici
This area, a large part of the Holy Roman Empire territory, rose to dominance, but was limited due to rebellions by Hungarians and problems with the Catholic Church who fought its Habsburg leaders. People also did not support Maria Theresa's reign after her father's death in 1740. They were a major rival to Prussia.
What is Austria?
These nation's rivalries were cemented again in this era. They fought a 100 Years War against eachother and continued this rivalry into the 7 Years War.
Who are England & France?
This is the term for the larger conflict over who would take a European throne which led into the 7 Years War.
What is the War of the Austrian Succession?
THIS is the reason why William & Mary taking over England was called the "Glorious Revolution."
This man was called the Lion of the North, King of Sweden, hero of Protestants in the 30 Years War.
Who is Gustavus Adolphus?
Russia, Prussia, and Austria chopped up THIS Country in the 3 Partitions of 1772-1795.
What is Poland?
Charles II's reign saw the passing of the Habeus Corpus act which said this was a right.
What is knowing the charges held against you?
(Why I am being arrested)
It literally means--you have a body/like you individually have rights.
What is the Diplomatic Revolution?
The war of the ____________ Succession happened because the King Charles II was too inbred to have any heirs.
What is the Spanish Succession?
This sneaky advisor to Louis XIII & Louis XIV said deception is okay when needed, kidnapped and killed many Huguenots, and ruled like a regent when Louis XIV was young.
Who is Cardinal Richelieu?
{Pronounced: rish-a-loo}
Frederick II took this area of Poland.
What is Silesia?
The Peace of Westphalia established more firmly the idea of CUIUS REGIO EIUS RELIGIO, which means this!
What is "Whose realm, his religion."?
This is the name of the Stuart line of Kings coming back into power.
What is the Restoration?