Which kidney sits lower and why?
The right kidney sits lower because of the liver
Kidneys are located at an angle of how many degrees from the vertebral column?
A 30 degree LPO places which kidney parallel to the IR?
______________ is a measure of how much one substance has dissolved in another substance.
What is the total capacity of the average adult bladder?
350 to 500 mL
How many kidneys do we need to function?
The bladder has numerous mucosal folds called _____________.
The act of urination or voiding is termed __________.
NPO for how many hours before a IVU?
Why does the prep contain a bowel cleansing kit?
Normal BUN level?
8-25 mg/100ml
________ connects the bladder to the exterior.
__________ serves as a reservoir for urine.
The primary function of the urinary system is the production __________________________________.
production of urine and its elimination from the body
Which component of an ionic contrast media increases its solubility?
remember a cation is positively charged and contains salt which helps increase solubility
Normal creatinine level?
0.6 to 1.5 mg/dl
The urinary system consists of what anatomy?
2 kidneys
2 ureters
1 bladder
1 urethra
What structure allows kidneys to be visualized on a radiograph?
adipose capsule
The inability to restrain urine is termed _______.
Which term describes the leakage of contrast media from a vein into the surrounding tissues of the arm?
Metformin should be withheld for how many hours following an iodinated contrast media procedure?
48 hours
The average adult kidney measures ______ in length.
4-5 inches
The term describing the total functioning portions of the kidney is the:
renal parenchyma
When urine leaves the kidney it travels through the ureter. The urine travels through which part of the kidney before reaching the ureter?
renal pelvis
How is contrast media normally introduced during a retrograde cystogram?
With an injection through the urethra with a large syringe and catheter
Gravity flow through a catheter
benadryl and prednisone