Fight For A Spot In Heaven
What's New With Gov't?
England & France Be Changin
Study Guide Time

When Constantinople was threatened by the Muslim Turks in 1093, Pope Urban II stepped in and issued a "holy war" or this.

What is a "Crusade"?


King Edward I, back in 1295, was responsible for creating the "Model ____________" aka a legislative group.

What is "Parliament"?


Miss Sundsbak tends to combine the two names of this epidemic that ended with over 25 million casualties.

What is the "Black Death" or "Bubonic Plague"?


Important document that guarantees the people basic political rights.

What is the "Magna Carta"?


When Europe's population began to grow, guilds began to grow as well. One of the first types of guilds were made for this group of people.

What is / are "merchants"?


Post - Crusades, we began to see the repercussions of its failures, such as growth of monarch' power and this happening to the Jewish population.

What is "persecution"?


King John, our controversial King, was not very nice to his citizens, which resulted in them forcing him to sign the Magna Carta. There were a few issues with his behavior, this being one of them.

What is:

- squeezing money out of his subjects

- Alienated ( pushed away ) the Church


During the Hundred Years War, many advancements were made between the English & France over time. One prominent advancement was in their weapons, such as the introduction of this.

What is the "longbow"?


Practice where bishops sold positions in the Church

What is "simony"?

During the Age of Faith, the Church felt inspired by the Kingdom Hierarchy - so much so that they also developed a group of advisors for the Pope called this.

What is "Papal Curia"?


Under this crusade, King Richard of England was able to reach a truce with Captain Saladin in order to let Christians have a bit of access to Jerusalem.

What is the Third Crusade?


While his son was the more controversial one in the family, this King was able to do two things: expand on his own power / land and introduced this in early courts.

Who is King Henry II?


This is the name referring to the situation where, after deciding to move to a new town, an uproar of back and forth ensued, ending with officially three popes.

What is the "Great Schism"



Organization of people who work to improve labor / social conditions for its members

What is a "guild"?


This is a title for a royal official who collects taxes on the King's behalf.

What are "bailiffs"?


Christians were on top of the world post - First Crusade. Afterall, they did win a few extra prizes, such as this city, which was the central focus for the Second Crusade.

What is "Edessa"


While Louis IX was considered one of the better Kings in his time, becoming a saint in the Catholic Church after death, this King was known to have quite the quarrel with the Pope.

Who is Philip IV?


This is one of the FOUR effects seen after the Bubonic Plague settled down.

What is:

- populations fell

- spike in peasant strikes for better wages

- Blame on Jewish Population

- Church lost prestige


Someone who uses Greek thinkers' knowledge to solve modern issues

Who is a "scholastic"?


After awhile, women began to find their place in the spiritual revival. The "Poor Clares" would be an excellent example, minus the fact that they were not allowed to do this, like the male friars.

What is "travel as preachers"?


Not much was said for the 4th Crusade, mainly because two failures occurred: Christians failed to conquer Jerusalem and this happened to Constantinople.

What is "looted"?


This is, in fact, not in the notes, but I did talk about this in our lecture: Originally, a "university" had no building. When buildings began to pop up, people only went to get a job in one of these two fields.

What is "Religion / Church" & "Government"?


Post - Hundred Years War, Joan of Arc, moved by God, decided to help give the crown to the true French King: this Prince.

Who is Charles VII?


Another word for honor or respect

What is "prestige"?


Entering the Age of Faith also came a new style of architecture: Gothic. This is the name of the architecture style that existed previously.

What is the "Romanesque" style?
