What is a carbon footprint?
measures the amount of CO2 a person on corporation leaves behind them.
What is a sole trader?
Some one who owns a runs the business themselves.
What are fossil fuels? You can use examples to help your answer.
Fuels that are bad for environment. eg petrol, diesel. oil.
Name the three types of enterprise?
Cultural, social, financial.
Give an example of a cultural enterprise.
Gaa, museum, Irish music
How would a socially responsible business treat its employees? Give an example (s).
Treat them well. Pay minimum wage. Fare pay. safe work conditions.
What is a partnership?
Business with between 1-20 owners/members
What does the EPA stand for?
Environmental protection agency
What is the main goal of a social enterprise?
To help people and solve problems in the community.
What is the difference between the minimum wage and a fair wage?
Minimum is least amount they can be paid, whereas fair wage means it reflects the work that they do better.
What does having 'good ethics' mean?
That you have good practises and principals in the actions you take.
A company with 1-149 members in it.
Private limited company.
What does sustainable consumption mean?
Consuming and choosing goods that have been produced in an environmentally friendly way.
Which enterprise main goal is to make a profit? Give an example of one for full marks.
Financial enterprise. Shops, insurance company, construction company.
How many people/members are in a partnership?
What is the greenhouse effect?
The overheating of the earth .
A company that you have to pay a percentage of profits to the original owner?
Explain two positive things fairtrade do/provide.
Better pay, conditions, high quality goods. environmentally friendly.
What do cultural enterprise provide for an area? What advantages do they have. Name 3.
Provide employment, entertainment, bring tourism, allow people to see culture.
What does 'Clann Credo' do for local communitys?
They give out loans.
Distinguish between renewable and non renewable energy. Give an example of both to get the answer correct.
Limited supple vs can reuse it/ enviromentally friendly.
Which two companies have limited liability?
LTD + co-operative
Buy of who pays fare pay, are products irish, are companies using child labour, are goods coming from factory farms, buy fairtrade.
What does LEO stand for? To get the marks, explain one support/service they provide.
Local enterprise office. Provide Grants, advice and information.
What is a levy? you can use an example to help explain.
An extra charge on a certain product.