This Captain of Industry used vertical integration to gain control of the steel industry in the United States.
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
This Progressive Amendment established an income tax and was led by both Populist and Progressive reformers who aimed to redistribute wealth through taxation for the public good.
What is the 16th amendment?
American businessmen in Hawaii sought to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani for this reason.
What is the avoidance of paying tariffs on sugar?
Identify and explain at least two events/trends that led the U.S. to declare war on Germany.
- Unrestricted submarine warfare
- Zimmermann telegram
- Economic ties of the allies
Identify at least three specific effects of Industrialization in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
This Captain of Industry used horizontal integration to gain control of the oil industry in the United States.
Who is John D Rockefeller?
This Progressive Amendment aimed to weaken the power of political machines and corruption by giving citizens the right to vote for their senators directly.
What is the 17th amendment?
Identify two specific events/trends that led to the U.S. declaring war on Spain.
What is yellow journalism and the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine?
These laws had the result of silencing dissent and free speech during WWI.
What are the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
Identify at least three typical characteristics of Progressive reforms
Examples: educated, lived in urban areas, middle class, often female etc..
This theory proposed that human society functioned on the basis of survival of the fittest. The strong, powerful, and rich should be allowed to succeed, while the weak and power should be permitted to fail.
What is Social Darwinism?
This Progressive Amendment aimed at reducing crime, domestic abuse, alcoholism, and other health concerns by eliminating the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol in the United States.
What is the 18th Amendment?
What territories did the U.S. gain as a result of the Spanish-American War?
What are Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines?
Name two wartime organizations established by the U.S. government to power the war effort.
What are the War Industries Board, the Fuel and Food Administrations, the National War Labor Board, and the Committee on Public Information?
The trade policy advocated for free trade within China.
What is the Open Door Policy?
This labor union upheld the idea of "pure and simple" unionism, meaning they would restrict membership and advocate only for reforms that immediately benefitted members.
What is the American Federation of Labor?
The National Woman's Party, organized by Alice Paul, led this campaign outside the White House during the Wilson administration. Their efforts are credited with pressuring Wilson to support the passage of the 19th Amendment.
What is the Silent Sentinels campaign?
Identify and explain three motives for American Imperialism.
Political - compete with European powers, est. naval bases
Economic - sell industrial goods in new markets, acquire natural resources
Social - belief in American Exceptionalism & Social Darwinism justified expansion
Identify and explain how WWI impacted African Americans and women.
- The Great Migration
- Women entered the workforce, gained the right to vote
The construction of this canal established a fast link between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, speeding up world trade significantly in 1914.
What is the Panama Canal?
These two laws were aimed to limit the power and abuses of railroad corporations and monopolies/trusts in the United States.
What are the Interstate Commerce Act and Sherman Anti-Trust Act?
Identify and explain the impact of at least three Muckrakers/Progressive reformers.
Examples: Ida Tarbell (take down of Standard Oil), Jacob Riis (Tenement Reform Act), Lewis Hine (child labor reform), Upton Sinclair (Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act), Ida B Wells (anti-lynching)
What are the Philippines?
Identify a piece of evidence to support the claim that after WWI the U.S. returned to an isolationist foreign policy.
What are the rejection of the Treaty of Versailles and membership in the League of Nations?
Roosevelt - The U.S. would promote peace but defend by force the interests of the U.S. in the Western hemisphere
Dollar - The U.S. would gain international influence through economic investment
Moral - The U.S. should ally itself with nations on the basis of shared moral/democratic principles