This minimum time for this to be effective is 20 seconds
Washing your hands
Pain, swelling, pus, drainage and heat are symptoms of what kind of infection?
Localized infection
This agency issues guidelines to protect and improve the health of individuals and communities.
The CDC-Center for Disease Control
Name 2 major bloodborne pathogens
Name 4 things that you can do to keep yourself healthy?
Adequate sleep
Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet
Exercise routinely
Practice good personal hygiene (Shower/bath, deodorant, brush your teeth, wash your hands)
________ means to put on PPE and
________means to take off PPE
Fever, headache, body aches, pains, and all over weakness may indicate this type of infection
What is a generalized infection
This agency makes rules to protect workers from hazards on the job, including protection from bloodborne pathogens.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Describe 3 ways someone can become exposed to bloodborne pathogens
Sharps (needlestick or surgical instrument)
Mucous membrane contact
Having non intact skin and coming into contact with blood or bodily secretions
Show and tell: how to wash my hands
Demonstrate with verbal description
Name 5 types of PPE
Goggles or Safety glasses
Face Shield
Give an example of how infection can spread through both:
Direct contact and
Indirect contact
Direct happens when you directly touch an infected person or their secretions.
Indirect contact happens when you touch an object that is contaminated by an infected person.
This organization works worldwide to promote health, including disease prevention, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable.
World Health Organization
Name the 4 types of infectious agents
IN ORDER, name the 6 links in the chain of infection
1. Infectious agent
2. Reservoir
3. Portal of Exit
4. Mode of Transmission
5. Portal of Entry
6. Susceptible Host
These are microorganisms found in human blood that can cause infection and disease in humans.
Bloodborne Pathogens
Name 4 ways you can help to prevent the spread of infection.
Proper handwashing
Proper PPE selection and use
Do not expose patients to illnesses
Clean surfaces
Respiratory hygiene/etiquette
Disinfect as appropriate
I invented the rabies vaccine, the process that makes milk safe to drink, and am known as the Father of Microbiology.
Louis Pasteur
Are antibiotics used for viral infections? Why or why not?
No. Antibiotics are used for bacterial infections.
Describe how to break the chain of infection at each link
Infectious agent: Diagnosis and treatment
Reservoir: clean, disinfect, sterilize, pest control
Portal of Exit: hand hygiene, PPE, proper waste disposal, respiratory etiquette
Mode of Transmission: hand hygiene, PPE, food safety, cleaning/disinfecting, isolation
Portal of Entry: hand hygiene, PPE, first aid, personal hygiene
Susceptible Host: Vaccines, healthy behaviors/lifestyle (sleep, exercise, nutrition)
When are contact precautions used
What precautions need to take place?
When the patient is at risk of spreading an infection by direct contact with a person or object.
The healthcare professional needs to wear gown, gloves, and wash their hands.
You see a sign outside of a patient room that states:
Airborne precautions
N-95 mask needed
What do you do and Why?
You do not enter the room as you are not Fit tested, and it is imperative that you are properly Fit tested in order to properly wear a N-95 mask.
I developed the concept of antisepsis, based my work on the emerging germ theory, significantly improved surgical outcomes, and my last name is the first two syllables of a well known mouthwash.
Joseph Lister
The CDC estimated that ____ out of _____ number of people become ill per year from a healthcare-associated infections.
Many of these infections could have been prevented by __________
(3 answers total)
1 out of 25
Proper hand hygiene
Food, moisture, temperature, oxygen, light, and dead and living matter are factors that affect the growth of: