stronger countries gaining political and economic control over weaker ones
sensational newspaper reporting meant to sell more papers and excite readers
yellow journalism
Many American businessmen in Hawaii were involved in the _____ industry.
The following are examples of:
The Cuban revolutionaries planted a mine in the harbor.
The ship had an accidental internal explosion.
The Spanish planted a mine in the harbor.
a possible explanation for the explosion of the USS Maine?
formed to represent the interests of the common people, such as farmers and labor union members.
Populist Party
efforts to improve education, abolish slavery, and stamp out disease and famine in other parts of the world
humanitarian aid
reliance on American military strength to persuade foreign nations to act properly
big stick policy
In the late 1800s various nations claimed spheres of influence in _____.
The battle near Santiago, Cuba, in which the Rough Riders defeated the Spanish forces was on
San Juan Hill
Roosevelt’s policy of relying on American military strength to persuade foreign nations to act properly was called the
big stick policy
a country’s policy to stay out of all foreign political affairs
American declaration of the right to intervene in order to maintain stability in the Western Hemisphere
Roosevelt corollary
an uprising that tried to remove all foreign influence from China, including Christian missionaries.
Boxer Rebellion
The United States helped Panama gain independence from _____.
The printing of sensational and exaggerated stories in newspapers was called
yellow journalism
a country that is independent but has to submit to some control by another nation
the division of a country by other countries for control of its trading operations within their section
spheres of influence
What was the primary goal of the Boxer Rebellion?
To drive out Western/Christian influences
said the United States had no intention of adding Cuba to its empire and that the United States desired only Cuba’s independence.
Teller Amendment
The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine said that the United States ____
had the right to intervene to maintain stability in the Western Hemisphere
the taking advantage of native peoples for the benefit of the mother country
the prevention of any one nation gaining enough power to dominate other nations
balance of power
Why did the United States want a canal across Central America?
To cross from Pacific to Atlantic oceans without having to sail all the way around S. America
The war that began in Cuba in 1898 was the
Spanish-American war
identify three arguments for American imperialism and two arguments against it.
prestige and pride, power, wealth, spreading Christianity, civilization
US is large and lacks few natural resources, so no need; contradicts US ideals of liberty