Functions in Management
Levels and Roles
Management Skills
Management Challenges

Competitive Advantage

Assembling and coordinating the human, financial, physical, and informational resources needed to achieve goals. To include attracting people, specifying job responsibilities, grouping jobs into work units, allocating resources, and creating conditions so that people can work together to achieve maximum success.



Responsible for the survival, growth, and overall effectiveness of the organization.

What are top-level managers (strategic managers), chief executive officer (CEO), chief operating officer (COO), company presidents, vice presidents, chief information officer (CIO) and chief ethics officer?


The manager’s ability to identify and resolve problems for the benefit of the organization by considering the overall strategy of the firm, the interactions among different departments, and the role of the company in its external environment.

What are conceptual and decision skill?


Enterprises transcending national borders to tap into international markets where incomes are rising and demand is increasing and the Internet is making this possible and prevalent.

What is globalization?


The introduction of new goods and services, it comes from people; it must be a strategic goal; and it must be managed properly.

What is innovation?


Mobilizing, inspiring, motivating, and communicating with employees - individually and in groups - to be high performers.

What is LEADING?


Supervise and successfully implement operations in support of company strategy, are called on to be innovative and entrepreneurial, managing for growth and new business development.

What are frontline managers, operational managers, lower-level managers?


Influences the manager’s ability to work well with people by building trust and relating to those around them. 

What are interpersonal and communication skills (often called people skills or soft skills)?


Creates both business opportunities and threats from competitors, social capital to help find jobs, develop careers, perform in a team, succeed as an entrepreneur, and form productive relationships with suppliers and other outsiders.

What technology's use?


The total quality approach to preventing defects before they occur, achieving zero defects in manufacturing, and designing products for quality.

What is continuous improvement?


Specifying the goals to be achieved, deciding appropriate actions, analyzing current situations, anticipating the future, determining objectives, deciding activities the company will engage in, choosing strategies, and determining resources needed.



Responsible for translating the general goals and plans developed by strategic managers into more specific objectives and activities, bridges the gap between higher and lower levels.

What are middle-level managers? What are tactical managers?


The ability to perform a specialized task that involves a certain method or process (i.e., accounting and finance courses, human resource management, marketing).

What are technical skills?


A set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization’s intellectual resources by finding, unlocking, sharing, and capitalizing on the most precious resources of an organization: people’s expertise, ideas, wisdom, and human relationships.

What is knowledge management?


Giving customers what they want or need, when they want it, making customer experiences easy and enjoyable.

What is service? What is customer service? 


Measuring performance (progress), comparing present performance with standards, identifying deviations from standards, and taking corrective action (implementing necessary changes).



Engage in a variety of behaviors to achieve team effectiveness and help achieve important projects and assignments.

What are team leaders, project facilitators, coaches?


A managers’ ability to understand themselves (strengths and limitations), manage themselves (deal with emotions, make good decisions, seek feedback, exercise self-control), and work effectively with others (listening, showing empathy, motivating, and leading).

What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?


Productive communications between different departments, divisions, or other subunits of the organization including customers.

What is collaboration?


Resources considered in a business.

What is money, human resources, and equipment?


1) Process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals. 

2) Achieving organizational goals.

3) Achieving goals with minimal waste of resources.

1) What is management?

2) What is being effective?

3) What is being efficient?


1) Entrepreneur, Disturbance handler, Resource  allocator, Negotiator

2) Leader, Liaison, Figurehead

3) Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson

1) What are decisional roles?

2) What are interpersonal roles?

3) What are informational roles?


The ability to work in a team and written and verbal communication skills.

What are the most desired skills sought in recent college graduates (based on a National Association of Colleges and Employers study)?


To leverage resources and talent in new ways: globalization, technologies, the monumental importance of new ideas, collaboration across disappearing boundaries, are a tidal wave of new forces.

What is diversity?


Reducing resources that are polluting and nonrenewable, protecting and creating options for moving forward, allowing people to live and work in ways that can be maintained over the long term without destroying our environmental, social, and economic resources.

What is sustainability?
