Age of Exploration
The Columbian Exchange
Explorers, Part 1
Explorers, Part 2
Document Analysis

The land route to the East Indies from Europe was most often known as the ____________________.

Silk Road


Why did Christopher Columbus believe he'd landed in the Indies?

He underestimated just how big the Earth is - by about 5,000 miles! 


I was NOT a sailor; I helped explore the Silk Road between Asia and Europe.

Marco Polo


I sailed for Spain and 'discovered' the New World.

Christopher Columbus


Read the excerpt below and describe H - Historical Context. 

I promise to our most invincible Sovereigns, that if they give me some assistance, I will acquire for them as much gold as they need, a great quantity of spices, cotton, and mastic, and as many heathen slaves as their majesties may choose to demand. I also promise rhubarb and other sorts of drugs, which I believe the men I left behind in the fort have found already and will continue to find. 

    -Lisbon, March 14, 1493

        Christopher Columbus,Admiral of the Fleet of the Ocean, to Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

-Columbus discovered the New World almost six months earlier

-The King and Queen of Spain are looking to gain resources from the New World

-Explorers are searching for the 4 Gs


Prior to the Age of Exploration, Europeans knew about which continents? 

Africa, Europe, Asia


Define the term "the Columbian Exchange."

the exchange of plants, animals and diseases between the Old World and the New World


I was a Viking and the first to REALLY explore the New World. (I didn't hang around, though.)

Leif Erikson


I sailed for Portugal and discovered South America. North and South America are named for me!

Amerigo Vespucci


Read the excerpt below and describe A - Audience. 

I promise to our most invincible Sovereigns, that if they give me some assistance, I will acquire for them as much gold as they need, a great quantity of spices, cotton, and mastic, and as many heathen slaves as their majesties may choose to demand. I also promise rhubarb and other sorts of drugs, which I believe the men I left behind in the fort have found already and will continue to find. 

    -Lisbon, March 14, 1493

        Christopher Columbus,Admiral of the Fleet of the Ocean, to Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

Colombus is writing to the King and Queen of Spain, who have paid for his journey and are waiting to hear about his discoveries and if they are useful/important. 


Why did European kingdoms want to find a sea route to Asia?

It would be faster, less expensive, and less dangerous to travel by sea than it was to travel overland.


Why were Old World diseases so devastating to the indigenous peoples of the New World?

The indigenous peoples had none of the immunity to these diseases that the explorers did. 


I was a Portuguese prince and founded a school for navigation.

Henry the Navigator


I sailed for Portugal and was the first to circumnavigate the world. (Well .. my crew was, anyway.)

Ferdinand Magellan


Read the excerpt below and describe P - Point-Of-View.

I promise to our most invincible Sovereigns, that if they give me some assistance, I will acquire for them as much gold as they need, a great quantity of spices, cotton, and mastic, and as many heathen slaves as their majesties may choose to demand. I also promise rhubarb and other sorts of drugs, which I believe the men I left behind in the fort have found already and will continue to find. 

    -Lisbon, March 14, 1493

        Christopher Columbus,Admiral of the Fleet of the Ocean, to Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

Columbus is an educated, trained explorer, funded by the king and queen of Spain. He is a Christian European, motivated by the 4 Gs. 


Name two advances in technology which helped make exploring the world by sea easier. 

-navigational tools like the magnetic compass and astrolabe

-lighter, faster ships called caravels

-more accurate maps and mathematical projections of the Earth's size

Name the contemporary of Columbus who came to the New World as a landowner hoping to make money, but left to become a priest and work for better treatment of indigenous people after seeing how badly the Spanish treated them. 

Bartolomo de las Casas. 


I sailed for Spain, crossed Panama by land, and was the first European explorer to see the Pacific Ocean.

Vasco Nunez de Balboa


I sailed for Spain and explored Florida, making me the first European to explore what is today the United States!

Juan Ponce de Leon


Read the excerpt below and describe P - Purpose.

I promise to our most invincible Sovereigns, that if they give me some assistance, I will acquire for them as much gold as they need, a great quantity of spices, cotton, and mastic, and as many heathen slaves as their majesties may choose to demand. I also promise rhubarb and other sorts of drugs, which I believe the men I left behind in the fort have found already and will continue to find. 

    -Lisbon, March 14, 1493

        Christopher Columbus,Admiral of the Fleet of the Ocean, to Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

Columbus was writing to tell the King and Queen of Spain, who had paid for his journey, about what he discovered. He is promising them he can bring back goods if they continue to pay for his journeys. 


What were the Four Gs?
Define each G to briefly explain why this was a motivating factor in the Age of Exploration.

Gold - seek to gain wealth/money

Goods - looking to find natural resources like spices and materials

God - hoping to spread Christianity/religion

Glory - looking to gain fame, both for the individual explorer and the kingdom that sponsored him


Name THREE things that were brought from the New World to the Old World.

Name THREE things that were brought from the Old World to the New World.


I sailed for France, leading an expedition to explore the East Coast of North America. A New York landmark is named for me! 

Giovanni de Verrazano


I sailed for England and founded Newfoundland (even if I did think I was in China!).

John Cabot


Read the excerpt below and describe Y - Your Argument (why this document matters!). 

I promise to our most invincible Sovereigns, that if they give me some assistance, I will acquire for them as much gold as they need, a great quantity of spices, cotton, and mastic, and as many heathen slaves as their majesties may choose to demand. I also promise rhubarb and other sorts of drugs, which I believe the men I left behind in the fort have found already and will continue to find. 

    -Lisbon, March 14, 1493

        Christopher Columbus,Admiral of the Fleet of the Ocean, to Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

Lots of possible answers for this one, so I can't post just one! 
