
Christianity as a Monotheistic religion, caused tension in Roman society. Which reason below is not one of the reasons for causing tension?

A. Christian sculptors and painters could no longer work in pagan temples.

B. Christian teachers could not teach Judaism or Christian mythology

C. Many Christians also refused to adore emperors or images of them since many emperors claimed themselves as gods or demigods. 

D. Christians couldn’t serve as judges or magistrates since eventual laws condemned Christians. 


Christian teachers could not teach Roman or Greek mythology.


From the Greek meaning "presbyteros" or presbyters 

A. Martyrs 

B. Deacons

C. Priests

D. Apologists

C. Priests


The Protestant Reformation claimed that only the bible or readings had the authority of teaching and not the establishment of church. Which term is this expressed?

A. Sola Scriptura

B. Sola Fide

C. Sola Kateckhein 

D. Sola Didache 

A. Sola Scriptura


The first 5 books of the OT were held to be canonical by Jewish traditions and essential in the history of Christianity. What are these 5 books called?

A. Canon of the Bible

B. Epistles or Letters

C. Gospels

D. Pentateuch 

D. Pentateuch


Since church buildings weren’t made at the time, the earliest Masses were celebrated in private homes and in catacombs. 

True or False? 



The office of bishops who were successors to the Apostles is also known as the Papacy. 

True or False?

False - Episcopacy


Two things that Sts. Linus and Anacletus had in common was that they were both former slaves who succeeded Peter afterwards and became popes.

True or False?



Agape or "Thanksgiving", is the central act of Christian Worship, that consists of consuming the Sacrament of Holy Communion - The Body and Blood of Christ

True or False

False - Eucharist=Thanksgiving 

Agape - Universal love 


When and where was the canon of the new testament declared in the West? 

1546 Council of Trent

The church made its final definitive statement on the books that made the bible we know it as today.


This means "witness". Those who bear witness to Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life. What is this term?



The Church Fathers and Christians universally rejected the practices of abortion, infanticide as well as contraception. What was their reason for this?

Abortion and infaticide goes against the 5th commandment and rejects the dignity of the human.


A Christian legion led by a Saint. When many Christians refused to offer sacrifice to a pagan god, the entire legion (almost 6000) was murdered. What was the name of the Legion and the Saint who led them?

Thebian Legion 

St Maurice


___________ _________are the Christian men who came immediately after the Apostles, some of whom had direct links to them or communities established by them. They were the early Christian writers who wrote about religious and moral themes, mainly through epistles to individual communities as compared to the whole church.

Apostolic Fathers


To  come to the defense of the Christian faith. ______________ is a branch of theology that defends and explains the Christian religion.

Apologetics or to Apologise


It was important for the church to attend to the physical needs of its servants. The church held money and used it to engage in many aspects such as? (Name 3)


Medical care

Alms for the poor



Christianity recognized the greatness of women through many prominent figures. These women according to CH 2 include whom? (Name 2)

Virgin Mary - mother of Jesus

Mary Magdalene

St Helena - mother of Constantine the Great

St Monica - mother of St Augustine


16 chapters that cover Christian Moral life from Baptism to the Eucharist. While the author and exact date, and time of the book is unknown, it was rediscovered by Philotheos Bryennios in 1873. 

What is this and what does it's Greek word mean?

Didache - Greek - “teaching”


What is the Just War Theory? Name a Saint who spoke about or added to the Just War Theory 

An exception to the ideals of nonviolence. 

St Augustine wrote that war fighting would be permitted in case of self defense. 

St Thomas Aquinas added that war had to be justified and initiated by the sovereign authority, and had to have good reasons/intentions.


Christians is to the world what the soul is to the body. What is the passage in the beginning of the chapter say about the body and soul?

The body hates the soul (not because of any injury the soul has done but) because the soul places restrictions on its pleasures.


What are 3 advantages of infant baptism? 

Remove original sin early

Incorporate children into the Mystical Body of Christ. 

increase Christian admission in the church, as well as save many lives
