Pre-French Revolution
French Revolution
Napoleon's Rule
The first estate, second estate, and third estate organized French society into social classes. Which group of people fell into each estate (state in order)?
What is the clergy, nobility, and middle & lower class civilians?
This English philosopher believed in Tabula rasa, government with the consent of the governed, & the rights of life.
Who is John Locke?
The French Revolution officially began with this document, created by the 3rd Estate.
What is the Tennis Court Oath?
At this place, the English and the Prussians fought together against Napoleon's forces.
What is Waterloo?
The alliance between Russia, Austria, & Prussia is called this.
What is the Holy Alliance?
The bourgeoisie, which consists of these people, in French society was part of this estate. (Answer in order)
What is the middle class (esp. merchants) and 3rd estate?
The ideas of the Enlightenment lead to the 3 mottos of the Revolution, which were this.
What is liberty, equality, & fraternity (French is not accepted, this class is taught in English)?
This man took the lead role in the revolution, befriending the working class... until he went crazy with power.
What is Maximielle Robespierre?
Napoleon's biggest defeat was here, mainly due to this 2 reasons.
What is Russia and Russia's size & climate?
This group meet in 1814 to reestablish political order in Europe.
What is the Congress of Vienna?
The French people were getting angry with the way things war, which eventually lead to the Revolution. These political, economical, & social reasons sent them over the edge (100 for getting 1 per topic, then 10 for each additional one).
What is (POLITICAL) the ignorance of Louis the 16th to their needs, Marie Antoinette, ill-representation of the 3rd estate in the Estates general meeting...ect., (ECONOMICAL) high cost of bread due to crop failure, high taxes, Louis the 16th's high spending on his palace of Versailles & personal luxuries, ect., (SOCIAL) Inequality of the 3 estates (1st & 2nd estate don't have to pay taxes)
This person believed there was a social contract needed in society.
Who is Jean Jacques Rousseau?
The forming of this organization, by the 3rd estate, also lead to the start of the Revolution.
What is the National Assembly?
This document banned privileges based on birth, stating jobs should go the most qualified.
What is Napoleonic Code (created in 1804)?
The members of the Congress of Vienna fall under this political viewpoint.
What is Reactionaries (wished to turn back the clock to the Old Regime)?
The name of the system during Pre-Revolution France.
What is the Old Regime?
The thinkers of the Enlightenment were called this, closely related to what they taught.
Who are philosophes?
This organization furthered the extent of the revolution by tracking down those who opposed the revolution.
What is the Committee of Public Safety?
This term, used to describe a defense mechanism used against Napoleon, lead to one of Napoleon's biggest defeats.
What is scorched earth (the burning of anything that could be used by foreign soldiers)?
This man was the head of the Congress of Vienna. (If you can name other members, 10 points for each of the others)
Who is Metternich? (The members of the Congress of Vienna are Prince Metternich for Austria, Tzar Alexander for Russia, Prince Hardenberg for Prussia, Castlereagh/Duke of Wellington/Earl of Clancarty [Replacements for Each Other] for England and Talleyrand for France.)
This Austrian lady was the center of jealousy for women of the 3rd estate.
What is Marie Antoinette?
This document states all men have equal rights & government is supposed to preserve these rights?
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
The nobles who fled France, known by this name, had a higher survival rate than those who tried to convince the peasants they were on their side.
What is emigres?
Napoleon is claimed to be this, in reference to when he ruled in France.
What is the Son of the Revolution?
The ideas of the French Revolution inspired this French colony to revolt.
What is Saint Domingue (Haitian Revolution)?