TRUE or FALSE - The difference between chili peppers and bell peppers is that chili peppers have capsaicin chemical-(makes the pepper hot).
As a general rule, "the spicier the pepper, the ________ the pepper"?
Chives, garlic chives, scallions and leeks are all part of the_____ family.
Partially cooking an item in rapidly boiling water is called?
February 14 is also known as _________________
Valentine's Day
This vegetable is similar to broccoli, it's name means "cabbage flower". It is denser and hardier than broccoli but served in similar ways.
When comparing New Potatoes to Russet Potatoes...
New Potatoes have a higher sugar content than Russet Potatoes
This Vegetable family consists of carrots, turnips, and beets....
Root Vegetables
This is an excellent cooking method for some vegetables because it cooking at a high temperature allows the steam to break down the cellulose in fibrous vegetables such as root vegetables. This form of cooking retains more of the vegetables nutrients and natural flavors because it cooks them quicker and there is a limited exposure to liquid.
What is an unground fungus that comes in two varieties, black and white and is the most expensive mushroom available?
This is a spherical root with a deep red color. They are often served hot or pickled/marinated in a salad. They also have a leafy green top that can be prepared like spinach.
Cherry tomatoes are ________ than plum tomatoes.
This group of vegetables has the same botonical characteristics as fruits. However, they are commonly prepared and served as vegetables. Can you name two of these fruit vegetables?
This Asian cooking method cooks food in a wok with a small amount of fat.
Stir Frying
The ____________ is a fruit vegetable with a high fat content, which gives it a rich, buttery texture.
_________ has a squat round base, long stalks, and feathery leaves. It has a texture similar to celery and a light licorice flavor. The seeds are often used as a spice.
____________ are a member of the tomato family that grows on creeping vines. They are covered by a papery husk and another the husk they resemble a small green tomato.
Cucumbers, Chayote, Zucchini, are a part of what vegetable family?
Vegetables cooked __ ______ should have a crisp, crunchy texture.
Al Dente
The chemical that gives green vegetables their color is ______________?
A fully ripened, smoked-dried jalapeno is known as a ___________ pepper. It has brown and wrinkled flesh and is sold dried or canned in sauce.
___________ look like an oversized pale bunch of celery. It is quite fibrous and must be cooked. It can be boiled, baked, fried, or braised.
What is the vegetable family that includes string beans, okra, and corn?
Legumes and Seeds
Cooking vegetables in a covered pot with water and lemon juice creates a(n) ___________ cooking environment.
The rigid tissue of plants is composed mainly of microscopic fibers called ____________?