The nerve endings which are sensitive to chemicals are called _____.
The prefix therm- or thermo- refers to _____.
The thick bundle of nerve fibers through which the brain communicates with the body is called the _____.
spinal cord
All nerve fibers that connect thee brain and the spinal cord pass through the _____.
Brain stem
How many times has the RCS Basketball team made the state tournament?
4 times
What marvel show just released to disney plus this week?
Daredevil: born again
The largest part of the brain, consisting of two hemispheres, is called the _____.
The nerve cells of the body are called _____.
An abnormally shaped cornea may cause a focusing problem known as _____.
The thin layer of light-sensitive nerve cells at the back of the eye is called the _____.
Which RCS players and/or coaches have been to the state tournament twice?
Coach Thompson, Coach Dustin, Coach McGuire
Who is the new multiversal villain in the MCU?
doctor doom
A tough outermost layer of th eye (thee white of the eye) is called the _____.
The neurons that transmit information regarding pain and the senses to the central nervous system are called _____.
sensory neurons
The outer ear consist of a sound-gathering trumpet and a short tube called the _____.
The suffix -cide means _____.
What RCS class graduated with the most students?
Class of 2014
Who was the biggest character that died in Endgame?
Iron Man/Tony Stark
The challenges that face us in life and our responses to them are known as _____.
The best-known type of anxiety disorders are called _____.
The eating disorder characterized by binge eating and purging is called _____.
The eating disorder which mainly affects females is known as _____.
How many times has the RCS Baseball team made the state tournament?
Who is the new captain america?
Sam Wilson
The rating of the loudness or intensity of sounds is in units called _____.
Nerve impulses from the cochlea to the brain are transmitted by the _____.
Auditory nerve
The snail-shaped chamber of the inner ear is called the _____.
The thin membrane that is stretched tightly across the end of the auditory canal is the _____.
Who was the head of school the year Coach McGuire graduated?
Dr. W.A. Young
What huge marvel movie is coming out in July 2025?
Fantastic Four: first steps