All about Plants
All about Animals
All about Hibernating
All about Migrating
What does hibernate mean? Give me an example of how an animal might hibernate.
Hibernating is what some animals do. It is like a state of deep sleep.
During fall what happens to the leaves of a deciduous tree?
They change color and become drier. They eventually fall from the tree.
Animals do not wear clothes, but what can act like heavy clothes to keep animals warm in winter?
Many animals grow heavy fur coats or think layers of body fat during winter, both of which can act like heavy clothes for humans.
Why is it difficult for animals to find food during a cold, snowy winter?
Snow covers the plants that grow on the ground. Many trees are bare and do not grow leaves, fruit, and seeds.
How does migrating in the fall and spring help many birds survive?
Migrating helps them avoid cold winters in the north and take advantage of warm weather in the south.
What is deciduous? Use it in a sentence.
This is type of tree that loses all of its leaves, typically in fall.
How does a maple leaf change with the seasons?
It starts as a bud, becomes big and green, begins to change colors, and finally there are just branches.
How does it help the musk oxen to lose their heavy undercoats in spring?
The weather is warmer in spring and summer. If musk oxen did not shed their coats, their bodies might overheat.
How does it help the chipmunk to store the nut instead of eating it right away?
During the winter, food is much harder to find. The chipmunk can eat the food it stores during the winter.
Why is it easier for birds to raise their young in warm weather rather than cold, snowy weather?
Young birds need a lot of food, and food is easier to find in warm weather. Also, the young birds lack thick feathers to protect them from cold air and snow.
What is a season? Tell me about your favorite season.
This is a time of year with certain weather patterns and day lengths.
How does a deciduous tree survive cold winter weather?
It has a woody stem and also it sheds its leaves. This means the tree does not make food and save the tree energy.
How did the appearance of the fox change from summer to winter?
the fox's coat changed from brown to white.
How does it help the chipmunk to hibernate in a burrow underground, instead of on the ground or in a tree?
The temperature is warmer in a burrow than above ground, and the chipmunk is protected from wind, ice, snow, and animals that might harm it.
How is migration different from hibernation?
In migration, animals survive cold weather by moving away from it. In hibernation, animals survive cold weather by sleeping deeply.
What is migrate? Describe an animal you learned about that migrates and tell me where it goes, why?
migrate means to move to another place to meet their basic needs.
What is an evergreen plant?
a plant that keeps its green leaves all year.
An arctic fox hunts voles, lemmings, and other small animals. How does white fur in winter help the arctic fox catch more food?
The small animals cannot easily see a white fox approaching them in the snow.
What do animals that hibernate spend most of the fall doing?
Gathering and storing food.
How does migrating help animals survive?
by migrating animals can find food all year long.
What is an evergreen? Give me an example of an evergreen in a season of your choice.
An evergreen stays green all year long.
What happens to a lily plant is summer?
It makes flowers and seeds.
How does having dark fur help an Arctic fox live in summer?
The fox's dark fur helps it blend with the color of the soil, rocks, and plants. This helps the fox survive the small animals it is trying to catch, just like it surprises them in winter.
How are migration and hibernation alike?
Both involve a change in an animal's behavior that helps it survive cold winter weather.
BONUS: some years oak trees do not make many acorns. Then there is less food for animals. How might this affect an animal that hibernates?
If not enough food is available in the fall, the animal might not be able to build up enough fat to live through the winter.