What is a city with surrounding land called?
What is the "land between two rivers?"
What is the idea that all people must obey the law and the law applies to all people equally called?
rule of law
I was the 1st emperor and called the Conqueror--who am I?
I let the Jews go back to Jerusalem, rebuild their temple and gave them back their temple treasures, what was my empire and who was I?
Persian Empire; Cyrus
What is a fine mix of rich nutrients & tiny rocks?
What is the area of rich soil in the shape of a half moon?
Fertile Crescent
What is sending goods out of a country called called?
What is bringing goods into a country called?
I destroyed the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and exiled Jews to Babylon, who am I?
We were brutal and cruel; our army was very feared, who were we and what was our army called?
Assyrians; Iron Army
What is the wedge-shaped writing of Sumer?
Soldiers on horseback are called what?
What is money called--both bills and coins?
I was a Persian leader who created a common currency, postal stations and reformed the tribute; I had the largest empire at the time, who am I?
We had the 1st cavalry, siege towers and had engineers building tunnels under city walls, who were we?
What is belief in more than 1 God or many gods?
What is an independent state that work with others to achieve military & political goals?
What is the ability to steer a ship from place to place called?
What knowledge is needed? (2 things)
wind and ocean currents
I let people I conquered keep many of their cultural traits, like their writing (cuneiform) and their religion, who am I?
I am the guy who was called the "Builder of the Land" and I never lost a battle, I did much for my people including the 282 laws, what was my empire and who was I?
Old Babylonian Empire; Hammurabi
Who was one who could write and what did they use to write?
scribe; stylus
What is spreading cultural traits region to region called? Give an example.
cultural diffusion; alphabet
What is a long poem with heroes called?
Give an example from Sumer.
I put laws on a large column for all to see, who am I?
What was my law of justice called?
What was the column called?
"an eye for an eye"
I was the guy who restored Babylon to power after the Assyrians were defeated, I built an amazing Hanging Garden, and I was terrible to the Jews, what was my empire and what is my name?
Neo-Babylonian Empire; Nebuchadnezzar