Exploration and Technology
A Changing World
Spanish Exploration
Other Nations Explore
Most sailors thought the only way to reach Asia was to go east. Not everyone agreed. One such sailor was ______________ ______________________.
Who is Christopher Columbus.
A ___________ is an agreement between countries.
What is a treaty.
Another word for "conquerors"
What is conquistadors.
Name two items/ things explorers aimed at finding during their explorations.
What is gold and land.
This word means "scientific knowledge and tools"
What is technology.
Columbus asked ___________ and ____________ of Spain to support his plan of setting sail.
Who is King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
In England, King Henry VII heard of Columbus's success for Spain. The king paid an Italian sailor, __________ _________, to lead an expedition sailing west across the Atlantic. King Henry's aim was to help England compete with other European nations for land and wealth.
Who is John Cabot.
After Spain had claimed land in the Americas, more Spanish explorers and soldiers soon sailed there. One of these conquistadors was ______________________. He sailed with Columbus on his second voyage. He eventually landed on what is Florida.
Who is Ponce de Leon.
By the 1600s, exploration was a big business. Kings and queens were no longer the only ones paying for expeditions. European trading companies also began sending explorers to look for the Northwest Passage. An English explorer named________________ made 4 voyages in search of the Northwest Passage (many bodies of water are named after him).
Who is Henry Hudson.
This is the science of planning and following a route.
What is navigation.
Who did Columbus meet on the island of San Salvador?
Who are Indians.
Not everyone believed that Columbus and Cabot had found Asia. ___________ _____________ of Italy aimed to find out for himself. in 1499, he sailed to a place just south of where Columbus had landed. (The word "America" was named after this person.)
Who is Amerigo Vespucci.
Hernando Cortes took over this group of people who lived in what is now Mexico.
Who are the Aztecs.
People believed there was a water route through North America, they called this _________________.
What is the Northwest Passage.
A _____________ tells sailors if they are going north, south, east, or west.
What is a compass.
Columbus thought he reached Asia--but he didn't! He reached and island in the Caribbean Sea. Name 2 things Columbus brought back with him to Spain.
What are gold, animals, plants, and people.
The explorer from Portugal (by Spain) was _________________ ____________________. He left Spain with 5 ships and about 250 sailors. This explorer named the Pacific Ocean because the waters seemed "peaceful" compared to that of the Atlantic. People from his ships were the first Europeans to travel around the world.
Who is Ferdinand Magellan.
Francisco Pizzaro captured Atahuallpa and took over the the ____________ empire.
What is the Inca Empire.
Another word for "rebelled"
What is mutinied.
Sailors used _____________ to find their latitude based on the height of the sun or the North Star.
What is an astrolabe.
On August 3rd, 1492, Columbus and a crew of nearly 90 sailed from Spain on 3 ships. What are the names of Columbus's 3 ships?
What are the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
Who was already inhabitants of the lands "discovered" by these explorers? How many voyages did Columbus make to the Americas?
Who are the Indians. What is 4.
Another word for "religious teachers"
What are missionaries.
This explorer explored Canada.
Who is Jacques Cartier.
A _________________ kept very accurate time and was used by sailors to find their longitude.
What is a chronometer.