Song Titles
Jazz Origins, Technology & Industry Growth

TRIPLE JEOPARDY The Clef Club was founded by this well known musician

Who is James Reese Europe?


TRIPLE JEOPARDY Style of dance that originated in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was a mixture of many styles and cultures

What is the tango?


Song taken from a famous musical: Shuffle Along

What is I'm Just Wild About Harry?


the specific city and state that jazz originated from

What is New Orleans, Louisiana?


TRIPLE JEOPARDY What did ODJB stand for and who was the leader of the group?

What is Original Dixieland Jazz Band? Who is Nick LaRocca?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY The song writing team that launched the first successful all black Broadway musical

Who were Noble Sissle and Eubie Blake?


A popular dance considered scandalous because of one's close contact with each other

What is the fox trot?


TRIPLE JEOPARDY Name the first big hit of the Society Orchestra and the band leader

What is "The Castle House Rag" by James Reese Europe?


The two main cities that became the centers for music publishing and entertainment districts.

What is New York City, Los Angeles (Hollywood)?


Name the first "talkie" film which utilized sound correctly and the actor the played the starring role. ( two answers)

What is The Jazz Singer? Who is Al Jolson?


This was a popular dance duo team during World War I

Who are Vernon and Irene Castle?


DOUBLE JEOPARY a)The term taken from the ensemble playing in which each member in the group improvises the melodies in a song

What is collective improvisation?


QUADRUPLE JEOPARDY Of the artists listed, label each as a vocalist or instrumentalist and name a song performed by each: a)Ella Fitzgerald b) Wynton Marsalis c)Glenn Miller d) George Gershwin

a)Who is a vocalist who popularized song, "Baby It's Cold Outside" b) Who is an instrumentalist who popularized song "Jingle Bells" c) Who is an instrumentalist who popularized song "In the Mood" d) Who is the instrumentalist who popularized "Rhapsody in Blue" 


DOUBLE JEOPARDY a)Name the type of fees that were paid to ASCAP by all businesses. (one word) b)What does the term ASCAP stand for?

a) royalties b) American Society for Composers, Authors and Publishers


a) Young sophisticated men modelled after Rudolph Valentino during the Jazz age were labeled by this term. b) two terms given to feminist young women with short skirts and bobbed type hair (three answers)

What are sheiks? What are "flappers" and "jazz babies?"


The name of the band leader and his orchestra who opened the doors to solo artists and used his face caricature to advertise his group. (Band leader name and orchestra name)

Who is Paul Whiteman and the Ambassador Orchestra?


TRIPLE JEOPARDY Place the specific technologies in either the acoustic recording age or the electric recording age: a) phonograph b) radio c) sheet music d) player piano e) talkies

What are a) acoustic b) electric c) acoustic d) acoustic e) electric age?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY Name the one specific song that is non jazz related DISCO FEMALE VOCALS piece (titles and the composer)

What is Fly Robin Fly - Silver Convention


Name the term for the new category of African American music that record companies began to catalog. (two words) Name the popular African American jazz orchestra in which Louis Armstrong was a member and the name of the band leader (three answers)

What is 'race music'? What is Joe "king" Oliver's Creole Jazz Band?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY a) List the industry which decreased in sales during the Great Depression. b) List the industry which increased in sales during the Great Depression.

What was a) phonograph sales and b) radios (microphone)


DOUBLE JEOPARDY Name the jazz artists responsible for the writing of these compositions in this order: At Last; In the Mood;  Dippermouth Blues, The Castle House Rag; and Rhapsody in Blue

Who are Etta James, Glenn Miller,  Joe Oliver's Creole Jazz Band, James Reese Europe, and George Gershwin?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY What were the four characters in the Disney animation clip of Rhapsody in Blue and what four things did they really want the most in their lives? 

Who is a) construction - worker --- play drums in a jazz band  b) little girl -  spend time with her parents   c) rich husband - wanted to be free   d) out of work man --  wanted a job 


Name three categories of dance music in the Jazz Age and two specific titles and artists of this dance music reviewed from the listening. (seven answers)

What is "sweet, latin and hot" music? What is Charmaine by Guy Lombardo? What is El Manicero by Don Azpiazu?


Five advances in technology which helped to promote popular culture

What are cars, telephones, radios, motion picture films, and phonographs? (microphone)


Three ways in which the Clef Club functioned as a business establishment for African American performers and the names of two performing bands/orchestras associated with the leader of this club. 

What is social club, booking agency, and trade union?

What is The Society Orchestra & The Hell Fighter's Band 
