The number on the bottom of the fraction
What is the denominator?
Triangles that have all sides equal
equilateral triangles
Write this fraction in simplest form. 2/4
What is 1/2.
Divide the fractions. 1/3 divided by 2/5
What is 5/6
Multiply the fractions. 1/4 x 5/6
What is 5/24
The number on the top of the fraction
What is the numerator?
Triangles that have no equal sides
scalene triangles
Write this fraction in simplest form. 3/9
What is 1/3
Divide the fractions. 4/5 divided by 2
What is 4/10 = 2/5
Multiply the fractions. 3/7 x 3/4
What is 9/28
What is the reciprocal of 4/5?
What is 5/4
Triangles that have two equal sides
isosceles triangles
Write this fraction in simplest form. 4/24
What is 1/6
Divide the fractions. 3/4 divided by 1/3
What is 9/4
Multiply the fractions. 3/5 x 10
What is 30/5 = 6
When dividing fractions you need to find the what of the second fraction?
What is reciprocal
Triangles that have three angles less than 90 degrees
acute triangles
Write this fraction in simplest form. 9/27
What is 1/3
Divide the fractions. 3 divided by 2/5
What is 15/2
Multiply the fractions. 2/3 x 1/2
What is 2/6 = 1/3
What are the answers of multiplication and division problems called?
What are the Product and the Quotient?
Triangles that have one angle greater than 90 degrees
obtuse triangles
Write this fraction in simplest form. 28/50
What is 14/25
Divide the fractions. 9 divided by 3/4
What is 36/3 = 12
Multiply the fractions. 4/12 x 3/4
What is 12/48 = 1/4