God's Qualities
Key Terms
Bible Stories
God's Will
Monkey Business

This term means that God can make the biggest possible rock and lift the biggest possible rock. He is able to do anything that can be done (within logical possibilities and within His nature).

Omnipotent (all powerful)


The definition of this term is:

An attribute (trait) of God that describes Him as being both within and among His creation.



In Revelation 4:8, four angelic creatures use this word to describe God's nature as they praise the Lord nonstop all day and night. 

Holy: to be set apart / No one is like Him


The type of will that describes what God desires us to do. Even with our fallen natures, God can redirect us (write straight with crooked lines).

Desired Will


This is one of the common misconceptions about knowing God's will for our lives.

One misconception is that God desires to give us complete information about His plans for our lives.

Another is that we can rely on our feelings as a good way to find God's will for us.


This aspect of God's nature means that He is not a cosmic force but interacts relationally with people throughout history. To emphasize this point, there are 247 results of "the Lord said" in the ESV Bible.



The definition of this term is:

An attribute (trait) of God that describes Him as being both above and outside of His creation.



In Genesis 12-22, this is one of the examples of how Abraham responded in obedience to God's Desired Will in his life, to leave his hometown and start a great family (more than one possible correct answer).

Desired Will is what God intends us to do and involves our free will.

Abraham was obedient in leaving his household idols, preaching the name of the Lord in an unknown land, and showing his faith in the Lord through the ultimate test of the potential sacrifice of his son.


The type of will that describes what God has decided to do from eternity.

Determinative Will


The definition for this word:

Any belief that is contrary (against) Christian truth or doctrine.



This quality of God is expressed in the relationship of the Trinity (between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and is more than simply what God does but Who He is.



The principle Greek word for love in the New Testament. Selfless and unconditional. Least common word for love in the Hellenistic word because it was the most special.



This story is one of the clearest accounts of all three Persons in the Trinity working together.

The baptism of Jesus (Mt 3:16-17)


Completes this blank:

God works __________ when He directly causes things to happen that He wills from eternity.



Muslim advocates like A. Yusuf Ali will deny the Trinity and say falsely that Jesus does not describe the Holy Spirit as our Comforter in John 14. Instead, they falsely claim that the Comforter is this person.

Muhammad (due to the similar look of the Greek words Parakletos and Periclytos). 


This aspect of God's nature means that God does not depend upon any other being or substance for His existence. Rather, everything else depends on Him.

Self-existent or self-sufficient


The definition for this term is:

Qualities that belong to only God and cannot be shared with humans (like perfection, self-existing, all knowing, all powerful, and unchanging).

Incommunicable attributes

Twice in Abraham's journey, God stops a ruler from taking Sarah, his wife, and therefore messing up the plan for Isaac to be born (the Pharaoh and the King of Gerar). God intervenes directly through a dream and plagues to warn these rulers. This type of God's will is shown in these cases.

Determinative Will (God acts directly to guarantee His plan from eternity). 


Completes this blank:

God works __________ when He responds to our decisions and actions.



The definition of this term:

The false belief that the Trinity is composed of one God who has presented himself in different modes or forms throughout time, like water has three forms (liquid, solid, and gas).



According to Erik Thoennes, these are the four essential truths (affirmations) about the Trinity.

1) There is one -- and only one -- true and living God

2) This one God eternally exists in three persons (Father, Son, Spirit)

3) These three persons are completely equal in attributes and divine nature

4) While each person is fully and completely God, the persons are not identical


The definition of this term:

The false belief that the Trinity is composed of three separate and distinct Gods. (Three Gods instead of Three-in-One).



This is one of the examples in the Bible where it suggests that God changes His mind, and included is an explanation why we know that God's unchanging character and determinative will still stand (more than one possible answer). 

Possible examples are Gen 6:6 (the wickedness on earth before the flood), Exodus 32:14 (Moses' appeal to spare the rebellious Israelites), Jonah 4:2 (God sparing Nineveh), and II Kings 20:1-7 (King Hezekiah's recovery).

Reasons why God's character and will still stand involve God's immanence and transcendence. God never changes His eternal plan or character but He does sometimes change His actions within time based on interactions with humanity.

We can look at how Jesus responded to the death of his friend Lazarus and wept with the family. However, Jesus proceeds to raise Lazarus from death moments later. 


These are the four key questions (list all four) to ask when trying to understand God's will for your life.

1. Does my decision violate the clear teaching of Scripture?

2. Is my decision confirmed by wise counselors?

3. Is my decision in line with how God has prepared me throughout my life?

4. Do I have the peace of God as I consider this decision?


According to the survey at Baylor, percentage of people (typically liberals) who believe in a distant God who is disengaged and nonjudgmental. 

24 percent (in contrast to 31 percent who believe that God is both engaged/active and judgmental/upholding justice).
