What was the name of the beautiful place where Adam and Eve lived?
The Garden of Eden
After they sinned, could Adam and Eve go to Heaven?
What is a promise?
A promise is saying you will do something and really meaning it.
What did God give Moses?
God gave Moses the 10 Commandments.
What is obedience?
Obedience is to do all that you are told to do.
Who tempted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree?
The devil
Did Adam and Eve lose the gift of grace when they sinned?
What did God tell Noah to build?
An ark
Who was the first prohet?
Moses was the first prophet.
What is an ark?
An ark is a big boat.
Why do we call Adam and Eve our first parents?
We call Adam and Eve our first parents because all the people of the world came from them.
What is Original Sin?
Original Sin is the sin of Adam in us.
Why were Noah and his family saved from the flood?
Noah and his family were saved by the Flood because they were obedient to God.
Are the Ten Commandments for everyone?
What is grace?
Grace is God's life in us.
What is sin?
Sin is saying no to God.
Did Abraham doubt God when He asked him to believe difficult things?
No, he had faith.
Who was the last prophet?
St. John the Baptist
What did Noah take with him into the ark?
2 of each kind of animal
Adam and Eve could live forever in Heaven with what in their souls?
With God's gift of life in their souls, Adam and Eve could live forever.
Who is the Savior?
The One God promised to send Who would bring back grace and open the gates of Heaven again.
What is faith?
Faith is a gift that makes us able to believe all that God says.
What are the Ten Commandments?
God's rules for everyone of us.
How was St. John the Baptist related to Jesus?
He was Jesus' cousin.