Who was President of the US during the Civil War?
Abraham Lincoln
What was the first battle of the Civil War?
Fort Sumter
What is are the first 10 Amendments of the US Constitution called?
The Bill of Rights
What was the time period after the Civil War called?
What is the difference between a Captain of Industry and a Robber Baron?
Captains of Industry were business leaders who were good people who helped expand the economy while Robber Barons were wealthy industrialists who used unethical practices and controlled industries unfairly
What did muckrakers do during the Progressive Era?
Wrote about unsafe working conditions, political corruption, child labor, and poor living conditions
Provide the key term that matches the following definition: to hold opinions that vary from those previously, commonly, or officially expressed; to disagree
What kind of economy did the South have at this time?
This was the bloodiest battle that resulted with a Union victory and ended any hope of the South invading the North.
What was the 13th Amendment?
Banned (abolished) slavery in the US
What were Black Codes?
Laws passed by Southern states to restrict African American rights
What is the difference between horizontal and vertical integration?
Horizontal controls one entire market or industry while Vertical controls every step of production
What did political machines do?
Controlled city governments by providing jobs, food, and housing to immigrants in exchange for votes
Provide the key term that matches the following definition: an organized group of workers formed to negotiate with employers for wages, workhours, and benefits, and safer working conditions
Labor Union
What kind of economy did the North have at this time?
This conflict gave Union control of the Mississippi and divided the South (accomplishing the Anaconda Plan)
Siege of Vicksburg
What was the 14th Amendment?
Granted citizenship to all persons born in the US and guarantees them equal protection under the law
What was the main purpose of the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction?
Used violence, threats, and intimidation to prevent African Americans from voting
What does "gilded" mean? What does that tell you about the Gilded Age?
Covered with gold on the outside, but rotten on the inside. Gilded Age meant that there was economic growth and industrialization, but also extreme poverty and corruption
What was the purpose of Jane Addams' Hull House?
Provided services to poor immigrants in Chicago (education, daycare, job training, etc)
Provide the key term that matches the following definition: to give someone something in recognition of loss or suffering
What was the name of the Union military strategy during the Civil War?
The Anaconda Plan
This Confederate loss made Britain and France refuse to recognize the “Confederate States of America” so they remained neutral.
Battle of Antietam
What was the 15th Amendment?
The right to vote regardless of race
What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau?
Help newly freed slaves transition to freedom. Provided education, housing and employment resources
What are the names of the 4 main industrial leaders and their respective industries?
What was the purpose of the Seneca Falls Convention? (Bonus: what was the name of the document that was published as a result?)
To discuss women's rights. Bonus: The Declaration of Sentiments
Provide the key term that matches the following definition: required enlistment for service, usually for the military
What was the "King Cotton" Strategy?
The South believed European countries would come to their aid since they produced 90% of the world's cotton exports
What was the purpose of Sherman's March to the Sea?
Destroy the South's will to fight
What was the 19th Amendment?
Gave women the right to vote
What was the Compromise of 1877?
Democrats agreed to Hayes becoming President if they end Reconstruction (remove military)
What does it mean to gerrymander?
To manipulate the boundaries of an election district to favor one party or class
What were the 3 main muckrakers we discussed and what did they do?
Jacob Riis – How the Other Half Lives (exposed tenement housing conditions).
Upton Sinclair – The Jungle (exposed the meatpacking industry).
Ida Tarbell – The History of Standard Oil (exposed Rockefeller’s monopoly).
Provide the key term that matches the following definition: the rights of individuals to political, economic, and social equality
Civil Rights