French and Indian War
Consequences of French and Indian War
"Taxation without representation"
Battle for Independence
What was the British motivation to begin the French and Indian War?
They wanted to expand westward
Who could occupy the Ohio Valley after the war?
The British. The French were forced to leave the Ohio Valley.
What was the Sugar Act?
A duty, or tax on imported goods, on all sugar products in the colonies.
Why was the Boston Massacre important?
It angered colonists who thought the killing of colonists by the British had crossed a line. More colonists began to see themselves as independent from Britain.
The "shot heard around the world" took place where?
Lexington, Massachusetts
What was the French motivation to begin the French and Indian War?
They had already claimed the Ohio Valley and didn't want to be moved.
True or False: The French and Indian War was very costly for the British.
What was the Quartering Act?
A British law imposed on the colonists which required the colonists to quarter, or house, British soldiers where the British officials thought that it would be necessary.
What was the purpose of committees of correspondence?
The committees of correspondence were set up so that colonists could inform each other on the happenings of the British and persuade other colonists to join the cause. In this way, the American colonists took a giant step towards freedom.
Define a patriot.
A colonist that supported separating from Britain
Who won the French and Indian War?
The British
How did the Native Americans feel about the end of the French and Indian War?
Very upset. With the French gone, they felt that nobody would defend their cause.
What was the Stamp Act?
A British tax on paper products which required the purchase of a stamp to place on these paper products.
Why did American colonists protest the Tea Act even though it made the cost of tea less expensive?
American colonists DID NOT want to support the idea behind the tax, so they did not want to buy the British tea.
Describe a loyalist
A colonists that was in favor of remaining under British control
Who was considered the "biggest loser" in the French and Indian War?
The Native Americans. The French and British were fighting over land that had been Native American land for thousands of years.
Despite winning the war, what act prevent the colonists from moving into the Ohio Valley?
The Proclamation of 1763
What was writs of assistance?
Court orders under British law that allowed solderers to make searches without an issued warrant.
How did Boston colonists show their opposition to the Tea Act?
By dumping tea into Boston Harbor (the Boston Tea Party)
Who were some groups of people that were loyalists
the wealthy, slaves, Native Americans
Why was the Albany Plan of Union (Albany Congress) so important in American history? (think of the snake picture)
It was the first time that the 13 colonies had joined together for a common cause. ("Join or die")
How did the French and Indian War begin a path that led to the American Revolution?
Although the American colonists had fought for the British cause, the victory forced the individual colonists to join together (think Albany Plan of Union), which led colonists to believe that they were becoming separate from England. This was enhanced by the unfair taxes that the British made the colonists pay.
Why did so many colonists protest the Stamp Act
The colonists felt that the British Parliament did not have the right to tax the colonies.
Name one of the four Intolerable Acts that were created because of the Boston Tea Party.
The port of Boston was closed off, the quartering act was strengthened, town hall meetings were banned, and murder trials would now be held in Britain rather than in the colonies
The colonists who were "full time farmers and part time soldiers" were refereed to as...
minutemen- they had to be ready to fight at a minute's notice