centering point for an AP foot
base of 3rd metatarsal
The joint between proximal and middle phalanges
(PIP) Proximal Interphalangeal
centering point for a lateral foot
medial or 1st cuneiform
centering point for a lateral ankle
medial malleolus
_________ are the 5 bones of the instep
from medial to lateral sides near distal Tarsals and Tarsometatarsal joints primarily made up by “wedge-shaped” Cuneiforms and Cuboid
transverse arch
on the lateral side of the foot distal to the Calcaneus and proximal to the 4th and 5th Metatarsals
_________ are generally present on the plantar surface of the foot at the head of the first metatarsal
largest and strongest bone of the foot
Which structure or bone contains the sustentaculum tali
the navicular articulates with the 3 cuneiforms and the ________
medial elongated process of Tibia that extends downward alongside the Talus
medial malleolus
distal Tibial joint surface or roof of the ankle mortise
tibial plafond
The _____________ projection of the ankle will demonstrate an open lateral mortise
AP oblique 45 degree medial rotation
(internal oblique)
why do we angle on an AP foot?
to properly visualize joint spaces
How many tarsals are in each foot?
Name all tarsal bones
3 cuneiforms
How many degrees do we internally rotate the foot for an oblique projection?
30-40 degrees
How many degrees do we angle for an axial calcaneus?
CR 40° cephalic
(toward heel)
Which projection of the ankle demonstrates the Medial mortise open and lateral mortise closed
AP ankle
The calcaneus articulates with the talus and the
base of 5th metatarsal fracture is also known as a ____________ fx
Extending the ankle joint or pointing the foot and toes downward is called
plantar flexion
which view of the foot places the Tuberosity of 5th
metatarsal in profile
How many degrees do we rotate the ankle for a mortise view?
medial rotation of leg and foot
Which projection of the ankle best demonstrates the distal tibiofibular joint?
Internal (Medial) Oblique