New Ways to Travel
A New Home in America
New Ways to Communicate
New Ideas


Money paid for using a road.


What was the fastest way to travel across the country in 1869?

A. by boat

B. by airplane

C. by railroad

 D. by wagon train



Why were homesteaders who bought land through the Homestead Act required to build a house and live on the land for five years?

A. A house made the land more attractive.

B. Crops took a long time to grow and harvest.

C. The land would be worthless without a house.

D. People needed time to settle into communities.



How did the Pony Express improve the way people communicated?

A. The Pony Express delivered mail to the West Coast faster.

B. The Pony Express was faster at sending messages than the telegraph.

C. The Pony Express riders spoke better English than wagon train drivers.

D. The Pony Express carried more travelers to the West Coast than wagon trains.



How did Louis Armstrong represent new ideas in the arts?

A. He was a jazz musician who featured soloists and improvisation.

B. His paintings reflected everyday life and African American history.

C. His creative style became the foundation of modern dance.

D. He opened a school for African American girls.




Something that is made for the first time.


What was one benefit of the Erie Canal?

A. It replaced travel by rivers.
B. It became easier for people to travel all over the world.
C. It became easier for people to travel to the Pacific Ocean.
D. It became easier to ship goods throughout the northeastern United States.



The main reason why most immigrants came to the United States was to ___________.

A. become rich

B. work in mines

C. escape prison

D. start new lives



How did Guglielmo Marconi change communications technology in 1896?

A. He invented a way to send pictures without using wires.

B. He invented a way to send messages without using wires.

C. He invented a way for people to talk to each other over a wire.

D. He invented a machine that sent coded messages over a wire.



Why was Cyrus McCormick’s reaper important to the American farming industry?

A. It helped cutting grain faster, which increased production.

B. It was made by an immigrant, which showed immigrants had skills.

C. It used materials that had been unknown and abundant in the country.

D. It introduced immigrants to a farming invention that they had not seen before.




A weakened virus given to people to help them fight off disease.


How did Lewis and Clark and Sacajawea contribute to growth in the West?

A. They made it possible for the Erie Canal to be built.

B. They explored the area where the National Road was built.

C. They explored the land west of the Mississippi River to the Pacific.

 D. They made it possible for the building of the transcontinental railroad.



How did Daniel Boone help to create new communities?

A. He passed the Homestead Act, which gave Americans the chance to buy cheap land on the frontier.

B. He explored the Mississippi River, which helped settlers travel and set up communities in the West.

C. He helped build the transcontinental railroad, making it easier to travel from Nebraska to California.

D. He helped widen the Cumberland Gap, allowing wagons and settlers to travel beyond the Appalachian Mountains.



Why is it faster and easier to communicate with technology today than in the past?

A. because technology has improved

B. because people live closer together

C. because people like to communicate more today

D. because in the past people didn't have the time to communicate



How did Jonas Salk affect the lives of people all over the world?

A. He invented the first computer.

B. He made food safer by inventing a way to kill germs in foods.

C. He saved many lives by inventing a vaccine to fight off smallpox.

 D. He saved many lives by inventing a vaccine to fight off the polio virus.




To give, to supply.


Congress built the National Road to make it easier for people to travel west. How did this help the United States grow?

A. The National Road was faster than the railroad.

B. People could more easily take vacations west to see the sights.

C. People could go west more easily and obtain land that they could farm.

D. People could travel to big cities with large populations so settlement there became easier.


Why do you think Asian immigrants settled mostly in California than on the east coast?

A. They thought that California had more to offer than the east coast did.

B. It was easier to get to California from Asia than to go to the east coast.

C. They were afraid to go to the east coast because of the Chinese Exclusion Act.

D. It was easier for Asian immigrants to be accepted in California than on the east coast.



In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell developed a machine that ___________.

A. sent messages through the air

B. played music through a speaker

C. carried a human voice over a thin wire

D. carried print messages over a thin wire



Why was Thomas Edison’s invention of the light bulb in 1879 so important by the 1900s?

A. The light bulb led to the invention of computers.

B. The light bulb brought more people into the workforce.

C. People were safer because they could use his light bulb to work longer hours.

D. People improved upon the light bulb to make faster and more reliable ways to communicate.




To keep from harm, keep safe.


Why were wagon trains so dangerous?

A. because the journey west was so long

B. because people faced many challenges on the trail

C. because the people who traveled in them were newcomers

 D. because they were covered so it was hard for people to steer



Why did immigrants from China stop coming to the United States after the gold rush?

A. The Chinese were excluded from taking jobs in California.

B. The Japanese would not let the Chinese come to the United States.

C. The United States government passed the Chinese Exclusion Act to prevent them from coming.

D. The Chinese did not want to take jobs in the United States anymore, so they stopped coming.



How did radio and television change communication?

A. people could receive written messages

B. people around the world could communicate instantly

C. people could begin to send messages by using email

D. people could communicate over long distances through wires



How did Ford’s invention of the assembly line allow more people to own cars?

A. It made people want to buy the car because it was a new invention.

B. Ford could donate most of his cars to people who couldn't afford one.

C. It made it faster and cheaper to build cars so more people could afford one.

 D. Each worker needed to learn how to do all of the jobs in order to build more cars.

