Define the term nephrology; according to medical terminology rules.
study of kidney
tube that transfers urine out of bladder
The most basic test for the urinary system
Disease in which pathogens travel up the urethra to the bladder.
cystitis; UTI
Which is spelled correctly?
A. Ur/o/vesic/al B. Poly/disps/o/ia
How many elements are in the term vesic/al. Identify them
2: root vesic and al suffix
A structure which collects the urine produced before it enters the renal pelvis.
A test to visually examin the bladder and possibly remove a sample of tissue
Child onset; presents with polyuria, polyphagia and polydipsia
Diabetes type 1
Which urine production step begins the process of urine formation?
create a term that means inflammation of the kidney
Inner region of kidney which uses the three step process to concentrate urine
renal medulla
A blood test to assess basic kidney functioning
Jocelyn age 68 is over weight. She arrived in the ER with C/O blurry vision, dizziness, and polydipsia. She complains of polyuria for over a month. One plausible diagnosis is:
Diabetes type 2
Which urinalysis finding would be problematic:
light yellow
slightly acidic
small amount of protein
small amount of sediment
A patient with poly/uria would exhibit _____.
complaints of frequent urination
The function of renal tubules is to ______.
create urine
Mary's kidney stone was too big to resolve by waiting for it to pass. The doctor ordered this surgical procedure to "crush" the stone through vibration.
The result of an untreated urinary tract infection; infection has traveled to the renal pelvis of the kidney
Functional unit of the kidney
Difficult or painful urination would be charted as _____.
One way arteries are different than veins is _____.
Arteries are:
Under pressure
Carry oxygenated blood away from heart
JC has a history of hypertension and uncontrolled diabetes. His kidney function has been decreasing. One clinical procedure to assist in filtration of blood is _____.
Patient presents with hematuria, flank pain and fever; urinalysis color is pink and contains sediment
In the case of a suspected kidney stone, besides a urinalysis which urine test might be ordered to determine the composition of the stone.
24 hour urine creatinine clearance