Colonists who wanted independence were called?
Many wealthy Americans were Loyalists because
They thought war would hurt their businesses.
What happened when Washington and his soldiers attacked the German mercenaries in Trenton?
The Americans won the battle and took almost 1,000 prisoners
Why did the British army invade the South?
They thought there were more Loyalist in the South.
What was the main idea of Thomas Paine's Common Sense?
The American colonies should become independent.
What was the name of the pamphlet that convinced many colonists to support independence?
Common Sense
Many African Americans were Patriots because
Some were offered freedom if they became Patriot soldiers.
What happened because of the battle of Saratoga?
France sent money, soldiers, and a navy to help the Americans.
Who was the famous Patriot traitor who secretly changed sides?
Benedict Arnold
Why did some enslaved African Americans become Loyalists?
The British promised them Freedom.
Which famous American wrote much of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Some American Indians helped the British because
They wanted the British to win and stop American settlers from taking land.
What other countries helped the Americans in the war?
Spain, the Netherlands, and Russia.
Why didn't the British Ships in New York help Cornwallis in Yorktown?
The British could not defeat the French Navy.
What was the strategy of the American army in the South?
To keep the British army on the move until they were worn out.
The Declaration of Independence said that King George
Tried to take away rights and force taxes on the colonies.
What did inflation do to the prices of food, clothing, and supplies during the war?
The prices went up.
Anyone who signed the D.O.I. could be charged with what?
Treason & Hanged
In which state did the Battle of Yorktown take place?
What did the Treaty of Paris do for the United States?
It gave the American colonies independence and land
What did the Declaration of Independence say?
People have the right to live, the right to be free, and the right to seek happiness.
Congress passed a law to stop store owners and farmers from
not selling their goods and waiting for the prices to go higher.
Who signed his name in large letters on the Declaration of Independence?
John Hancock
On what date did Cornwallis and his army surrender?
October 19
What three colonist wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Ben Franklin.