Study of insects
What is entomology
Two types of insect-one is helpful; one is harmful
What is beneficial and pest
Found in chewing mouths; used to chop food into tiny pieces or for cutting wood and digging in soil
What are mandibles
Hundreds of little projections, that give some insect legs a hairy appearance; allows the insect to taste, smell, and sense movement
What are setae
Label top left line
What is antennae
Class that contains insects; largest class in creation
What is insecta
Exothermic; begin to slow down when temperature drops
What is cold-blooded
Little feelers used for touching and tasting food before it’s eaten
What are palps
Looks like a spike on the end of the abdomen; found on female insects
What is ovipositor
Label top right line
What is head
Outside skeleton
What is exoskeleton
Small set of wing-like structure used for balance but not true wings
What are halteres
Long, tubular mouthpart used for for sucking liquids as food
What is proboscis
Found on the male insect; used to hold onto the female during mating
What are claspers
Label middle right line
What is wing
The shedding of an insect's “outside skeleton"
What is molting
Found on the abdomen; little holes that let air into the body
What are spiracles
Cutting and piercing tool mosquitoes used to stab into the skin so that the proboscis may be inserted
What are stylets
Type of insect eye: Different parts coming together to form one thing
What is compound
Label middle left line
What is thorax
Invertebrates-insects are part of this phylum
What is arthropod
Two types of wings
What are membranous and scale
Three types of insect mouths
What is chewing, sucking, and sponging
Type of insect eye:Can only tell light from dark
(Give both name for eye)
What is simple or ocelli
Label bottom left and right lines
What is leg and abdomen