Going to War
Canada At War
Whatever 1
Whatever 2

Define ethnocentric.

Belief that one's culture is better than all the others.


What was one long-term cause of WWI?

Militarism, Imperialism, Alliances, Nationalism


Who was the Prime Minister of Canada in WWI?

Robert Borden


Define assimilation.

adoption of customs and language of dominant culture so that one can blend into society.


What legacy do we have from the 2nd Battle of Ypres?

In Flanders Fields


Identify two countries where preferred immigrants are from.

Britain, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Netherlands,


Who belonged to the Triple Entente in 1914?

France, Britain, Russia


Why were people so keen to go to war? (at least 2)

Pride in Britain, adventure, employment, dislike for the Germans, peer pressure


Explain the behaviour of chlorine gas. Details

It was heavier than air and it was able to fill the trenches, forcing soldiers out into the open.


What is the difference between Canadian and Canadien?

Canadien is how the French-Canadians identify themselves as.  Canadian refers to people of "British" descent.


The Head tax was used to restrict immigrants from which country?

What are the legislated costs?  


$50, $100, $500


Explain how militarism helped cause WWI. Talk about actual places.

Countries, like Germany, France, Britain, and Russia built up their armies/navies preparing for war.


Identify 3 parts of the War Measures Act of 1914.

Detainment without proof, detainment of enemy aliens, can take property, a specific newspaper had to print war was over, control of waterways, censorship, selling of property, can be fined, registration of enemy aliens, etc


Who belonged to the Triple Alliance in 1914?

Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy


Identify 2 ways First Peoples were discriminated against in the early 1900s.

Residential schools, Indian Act, forced to live on reserves, had to have "permission" to sell foods, forced to become farmers


Define the Continous Passage Act.  

Identify two groups that this act targeted.  

Had to travel straight to Canada - no stopovers.

Indians and Japanese


What is the "spark" that started WWI?  I want (last) names and countries.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand, of Austria, was assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist, Gavrilo Pincip.


Describe 2 hardships faced by ONLY Canadian soldiers early in the war.  (I want details)

Cardboard soles on boots, that fell apart, Ross Rifle jammed, shells exploding before being fired, lack of training, ill-equipped barracks, etc


Why were Canadians unhappy about the decisions in the Alaska Boundary Dispute of 1903?  Give details.

A portion of BC coast was given to the States so the Americans had water access to Dawson.  They felt that the Brit Gov't had sold them out because they wanted to keep the peace with US.


Identify 3 of the conditions Indigenous students encountered in Residential Schools.

Overcrowded rooms, unsanitary conditions, diseases spread easily, physical punishments, couldn't speak own language, had to wear uniforms, forced to become Christians


When did Canada become a country? Month, day and year

July 1, 1867


Explain why, with details and facts, Canada had to go to war in 1914.

They were a colony of Britain so Britain still told Canada what to do.  Canada didn't have a choice.


Why was Vimy Ridge so important to Canadian identity?

It is the first battle Canadians fought by themselves, as their own battalion.  The Canadians were successful when the Fr and Brits weren't.  International recognition.


Describe the living conditions of the lower class in cities.

Small spaces, crowded room that everyone shared, cooking and heating surface used at same time, clothes drying in the house, lack of windows, few beds for many people, lack of indoor plumbing, etc


What is nationalism?  Give an example of how nationalism caused WWI.  This example has to be from Europe before WWI!

Pride in one's culture, language, country.  Serbians wanted a country of their own and were tired of being part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
