What age douse the Childs height and weight growth slows somewhat down?
Age 5
Between what ages do children become more logical thinkers?
Between five and seven.
As children learn to do more for them selves they grow in blank?
They grow in self-confidence.
At this age what stage of school would they be in ?
Middle school
-Involves matching body movements to coordinate with what the child sees.
Visual-motor coordination.
Children at this stage are generally eager to conquer new physical skills?
Gross motor skills
Blank is composed of symbols that communicate meaning?
A persons own assessment or view of himself or herself.
Blank sees themselves as becoming independent?
- A persons own assessment of themselves.
Self- concept
At this stage the child learns to catch and throw a ball.
Hand eye coordination/ visual motor coordination.
The use of blank plays an important role for children?
The use of imagination
At what age do children tend to be more easy going?
age 8
At this stage children desperately want to feel a sense of belonging.
AT the self-concept stage.
The ability to sort items by one or more characteristic's they have in conmen.
This skill is used when a child writes letters with a pencil or crayons.
Fine motor skills
At what age do children learn to recognize the letters and numbers?
Between ages 4 and 5
At what age can kids tell right from wrong?
Ages 5 though 7
Questions about right and wrong become more of an issue at this stage?
Moral development
- The ability to place objects in order by a characteristic, such as smallest to largest.
At what age can kids jump, skip, and hop
By what time in a child's life is there brain almost at full adult size?
By the time they start elementary school.
Who described the task at this stage as industry versus inferiority?
Erik Erikson.
What is the relationship between class mates called?
Peer relationships.
-The abilitly to understand that relationships between two objects can extend to a third object.