out of, outside, away from
What does adip/o mean?
- fat
Abnormal Development / Growth of cells tissues or organs
- Dysplasia
What plane divides the body into unequal left and right halves?
- sagittal plane
Refers to the front, or belly side, of the organ or body?
- Ventral
in, within, inside
What does hist/o mean ?
- cell
The study of the causes of diseases
- Etiology
How many vertical planes of the body are there ?
(sagittal, midsagittal, and frontal)
What is the process in which the body maintains a constant internal environment?
- Homeostasis
the study of
What does aden/o mean?
- gland
The group of hereditary bleeding disorders in which blooc-clotting factor is missing is known as
- Hemophilia
What plane is the horizontal plane of the body and divides the body into upper and lower portions?
What term refers to nearest the midline or beginning of a body structure
- Proximal
control, maintenance of a constant level
(2 answers)
-stasis, -static
What word part means before, front and what other word part means behind, toward the back ?
- poster/o
What is an illness without a known cause?
- Idiopathic disease
What part of the body does posterior refer to and what part does anterior refer to?
- Posterior refers to the front half portions of the body divided down vertically and anterior refers to the back half portions of the body
What is the study of disease?
- Pathology
Give an example of the use for the suffix -ology ?
What do the word parts plas/i , plas/o, and -plasia mean?
Disease Outbreaks:
1. What is a ongoing presence of disease in a population?
2. What is a sudden widespread outbreak of disease withing a specific population?
3. What is a outbreak of a disease that spreads worldwide
1. Endemic
2. Epidemic
3. Pandemic
In the frontal plane the body is divided into two portions. What are the two portions called?
- posterior and anterior
What is the difference between Anatomy and Physiology?
- The difference is that Anatomy is the study of the bodies structure and Physiology is the study of the functions of the structures of the body