Multiple Step
Bonus Question
(Do not Choose)

Estimate, then use expanded form to find the sum.

142 + 436 =

Estimate: 600

Answer: 578


Estimate, then find the difference. 

386 - 123 =

Estimate: 300

Answer: 263


Darius has 127 photos. Jillian has 467 photos. How many more photos does Jillian have than Darius?

340 photos


Kennedy has been collecting coins ever since her grandmother gave her the collection she had. Grandma's collection has 98 coins. Since then, Kennedy has bought twenty-three rare coins, received eighteen coins as birthday gifts, and found seven lucky coins on the ground. How many more coins does Kennedy have now than when she first received her grandmother's collection?

48 more coins now 


Estimate, then use expanded form to find the sum.

654 + 243 = 

Estimate: 900

Answer: 897


Estimate, then find the difference.

519 - 205 =

Estimate: 300

Answer: 314


There are three baby giraffes at the zoo. One weighs 148 pounds, one weighs 125 pounds, and the other weighs 137 pounds. What is their combined weight?

410 pounds


Cameron ran a very successful mowing business all summer. He earned $125 in June and $185 in July. At the beginning of August, he bought a watch with a compass, which cost $98. He also bought new blades for his mower for $23. How much money did Cameron have left for new school clothes?

He has $189 left


One skeleton in a museum has 189 bones. Another skeleton has 232 bones. How many bones are in the two skeletons?

421 bones


Estimate, then find the difference.

456 - 217 = 

Estimate: 250

Answer: 239


A television program lasts for 142 minutes. Of that time, 36 minutes are taken up by commercials. What is the length of the actual program without the commercials?

106 minutes


Keisha played on her phone for 57 minutes at the doctor's office. She played Angry Birds for fifteen minutes, watched music videos for twelve minutes, and played Fruit Ninja the rest of the time. How long did Keisha play Fruit Ninja?

30 minutes of Fruit Ninja


Estimate, then solve.

321 + 439 + 112 = 

estimate: 850

answer: 872


On Saturday, 453 people go to a school play. On Sunday, 294 people go to the play. How many more people go to the play on Saturday?

159 people


During one week, a bowling alley had 348 customers on Thursday night and 465 customers on Friday night. The following week, the bowling alley 212 customers on Thursday and 318 customers on Friday. About how many customers did the bowling alley have during those 4 days?

About 1,330 customers


Amanda has been baking all day and doesn't have enough sugar for her last batch of cupcakes. She needs three cups of sugar for the cupcakes, one cup for frosting, and one cup for the crème filling. Each bag has four cups of sugar, so Amanda must buy two bags. How many cups of sugar will she have left?

3 cups of sugar left


Estimate, then solve.

543 + 372 + 280 = 

estimate: 1,200

answer: 1,195


Students want to sell 400 tickets to the school talent show. They have sold 214 tickets. How many more tickets do they need to sell to reach their goal? 

400 - 214 = 186 tickets

A train travels a distance of 872 miles. Then it travels another 342 miles. The train then travels another 403 miles. How many more miles does the train travel on the first part of the trip than on the second and third trips combined?

127 miles

Aiden wants to go to a fun zone next weekend. To bowl, he needs $12. To play laser tag, he needs $15, lunch will be $8, and 2 arcade games cost $10. He spent last week doing chores and earned $5 for doing the dishes, $2 for vacuuming, $3 for taking out the trash, and $6 for mowing the lawn. How much more money does he need to earn this week?

$29 more dollars

The students at Auburn School voted for their favorite color. The color green had 164 votes. The color blue had 293 votes. The color red had 129 votes. How many more students need to vote for red for it to have the same number as blue?

164 students
