Ability of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes to keep functions in limits
what is Homeostasis
transports, buffers, helps with temperature regulation, helps with the immune system
what is the function of the cardiovascular system?
movement of gases between the air in the lungs and the blood
what is pulmonary diffusion
Receptor that responds to chemical changes
what is chemoreceptor
the end product in a process stimulates the process, the action amplifies the changes that stimulated the effectors
what is positive feedback
delivers blood from heart to lungs and back to heart
what is the pulmonary circulation
this is where alvioli are, this is the location of capillaries for gas exchange
what is respiratory zone
shuttles O2 from the cell membrane to the mitochondria
what is myoglobin
Connect sensory and motor neurons, found only in CNS
what is interneurons
delivers blood from heart to body and back to heart
what is peripheral circulation.
double layered membrane that encases each lung
what is pleural sac
70% is transported as bicarbonate
what is Carbon Dioxide
comprise 90% of cells in CNS
what is neuroglia?
blood enters right atrium from
what is superior and inferior vena cava
what is airflow resistance
maintains homeostasis at rest
what is ventilatory control
seat of consciousness
what is cerebrum?
typical resting BP
what is 120/80 mmHg
amount of air moved per breath
what is tidal volume
located in carotid arteries and aortic arch
what is peripheral chemoreceptors