We should watch a ___ for the laughs.
A oracle is ___
A)A priests that speaks for the gods.
B)The custom of passing stories from one generation to the next.
C)A Drama in which characters struggle
D)A story that teaches a lesson.
Myth definition is ___
A traditional story that explains a cultures beliefs or part of the natural world.
Ritual was for
A practice of a religion
____ is a type of story that has a theme or teaches a lesson.
What does ritual mean?
A)A priests that speaks for the gods.
B)Words or actions that are par of a religions ceremony.
C)A Drama in which characters struggle
D)A story that teaches a lesson.
Oracle means __
A prestesss who speaks for the gods.
Drama was for
A type of show to show religion and culture.
____ was a big part of Greek culture, which told story through actions.
A Myth was ____
A)A story that teaches a lesson
B)A drama that tells a humorous story
C)A traditional story that explains a cultures beliefs or part of the natural world.
Tragedy means
A drama in which characters struggle to overcome problems but fail.
Comedy was for
To make the audience laugh or giggle at the show because of how funny it was.
I like reading ____ books.
A Tragedy is ___
A)A priests that speaks for the gods.
B)The custom of passing stories from one generation to the next.
C)A Drama in which characters struggle
D)A story that teaches a lesson.
Fable mean __
A story that teaches a lesson.
Homer made ___
Created iliad and the Odyssey
We need to do a ____ tonight.
A oracle Tradition is ___
A)A priests that speaks for the gods.
B)The custom of passing stories from one generation to the next.
C)A Drama in which characters struggle
D)A story that teaches a lesson.
Drama means
A story that I told by the actions and spoken word of the actors
Myth was for
To tell a story to a new generation of kids about religion and culture.