A Pustule is
What is a raised inflamed papule with a white or yellow center containing pus
The Cancer Checklist includes these signs:
What is:
A. Asymmetry
B. Border
c. Color
D. Diameter
E. Evolution
What is benign keratin filled cysts that appear just below the surface of the skin and have no visable opening
What is also known as pinkeye. An infection of the eyes caused by a bacteria or virus. Extremely contagious
P acne is anaerobic - meaning these bacteria cannot survive in the presence of oxygen
A Wheal is
What is: An itchy swollen lesion caused by a blow, scratch or a bite of an insect (Hives or a mosquito bite)
Malignant Melanoma
What is: The least common but most dangerous form of skin cancer. 100% fatal if left untreated.
What is an open comedo-hair follicle filled with keratin and sebum
Herpes Simplex
Main food source for Acne
What is fatty acids
A Bulla is
What is a large blister containing a watery fluid
Retention hyperkeratosis
What is: the hereditary tendency for acne prone skin to retain dead cells ain the follicle forming an obstruction that clogs follicles and exacerbates inflammatory acne lesions
What is a closed comedo appears as a small bump under the skin has a white or cream colored head
What is a contagious bacterial infection characterized by weeping lesions.
What is abnormal colorations, accompany skin disorders and are symptoms of many systemic disorders.
A Cicatrix is
What is a slightly raised or depressed area of the skin that forms as a result of the healing process related to and injury
Propionbacterium acne
What is: The technical term for the bacteria that causes acne vulgaris
Seborrheic Dermatitis
What is: Skin condition caused by an inflammation of the sebaceous glands often characterized by redness dry or oily scaling crusting or itchiness.
What is an acquired superficial thickened patch of epidermis (a Callus)
What is the technical term for freckles, small yellow to brown spots on skin that was exposed to sunlight and air. Commonly called liver spots in older adults.
An Ulcer is..
What is an open lesion on the skin or mucous membrane of the body: accompanied by loss of skin depth and possibly weeping of fluids or pus
Extrinsic Factors
What is: Environmental factors that contribute to the signs of aging. 85% responsible for skin aging. Such as:
Poor nutrition
Intrinsic Factors
Skin aging factors over which you have little control, caused by genetics, gravitational pull, facial expressions
What is a skin disorder characterized by light abnormal patches (hypopigmentation) caused by a burn, scar inflammation, or congenital disease.