Keeping Time
Phone Calls
Property Management
Property Forms/ Got Snow

How important is it for Stage Manager to be on-time? And how early should they be?

Always Important! 40 minutes before the actors arrival.


When cast members arrive to the theatre, what is the FIRST the thing they are expected to do when they arrive? Why?

Cast must Sign-In, as it lets the SM know they are present. So they don't have to phone call you. 


Traditionally announcements are done, in what 4 orders to alert the cast of how much time before the show begins? 

1) half-hour, please

2)15, please

3)5, please

4) Places, please


At what point should actors start practicing with props? Why?

Early in the rehearsals. It helps them memorize their lines, get use to handling the prop. It helps the cast and director to experiment & develop suitable business. 


What two forms does a property person use to keep track of props? 

Borrowed Items & Acknowledgement of  borrowed Items returned


As a stage manager, what should you do if an actor is late?

We replace you, just kidding!                                 Tell the actor what page of the script we are on, if its rehearsal. If they are off book, tell them what scene they are on. Ask them to take their place.


During the run of any production, an actor should be at the theatre for which call? 

Half-hour (30 min.) call before curtain call.


A big name actor, who played the same role in hundreds of theatre's across the country became indifferent to the script, local variations, blocking and had to be led around the theatre by the hand, by whom? 

A seeing-eye gofer. 


During rehearsal, what are the first three steps a Property Manager should take? 

1) Attend rehearsal, take notes of additional props. Where and how prop is used? 

2) Place them in labeled boxes organize by act or scene as necessary.

3) Set props for each scene 15 min. before


Who should return props at the end of each scene?

The cast members in that scene. Not just anyone


What's steps can a Stage Manager take if an actor is habitually late?

1) Educate the actor privately on how the actors tardiness can affect the production 

2) Talk to their union if they are a union member

3)Ask the actors, If they need help arriving on time? Or how we can help so they arrive on time?


When an actor Sign's-In, it is better to initial their name. As it prevents from what happening?

It prevents error and actors signing on the wrong block.


Which is better, a two-way communication system or face-to-face exchange? 

A two-way communication is slightly better. However, runs the risk of mechanical failure. A face-to-face is always better!


What is the recipe for making your own stage blood? 

 "Planet"/ any Dish soap + 3 parts of red food coloring + 1part of blue food coloring


What is the challenge of snow cradles?


Getting even coverage and avoiding snow off-cue
