What animal is Chakshu likely to have as a pet?
When was the last time she visited Kenya (month & year)?
Oct 2022
How many Canadian provinces has Chakshu been to?
What type of chocolate does Chakshu like?
What animal is Chakshu afraid of the most?
How many black bears has Chakshu seen in her life?
What's the last sport Chakshu tried to pick up in Kenya? (bonus: did she succeed?)
Tennis (You got served 0 bonus points for getting the bonus part right... or wrong.. I'm just a game, Idk)
How many kms were driven on Chakshu's last road trip?
3540 km (you get it if it's between 3000 - 4000 km)
What is Chakshu's favourite clothing brand?
Hollister (we'll also give it to you if you said Aritizia because we are generous angels)
Chakshu is ok with one type of horror movie. What is it?
What animal is Chakshu a mom to?
Which city was Chakshu born in?
Which of the parks that Chakshu's camped in is she traumatized by?
What type of content does Chakshu mostly consume on instagram?
Animal memes
Show us how Chakshu sleeps.
Like a mummy
What's Chakshu's spirit animal?
Penguin (Penguins may appear graceful when swimming, but on land, they are often quite awkward and clumsy. Their waddling gait and flippers, which are adapted for swimming, make them stumble and fall frequently when moving on solid ground.)
How do you say 'Thank you very much' in Swahili?
Asante Sana
What is the name of Chakshu's favourite hike?
Panorama Ridge (Lake Garibaldi)
What's the latest reality TV show Chakshu's been watching?
Temptation Island
When Chakshu went camping in Kenya, what was the craziest thing she had to do/learn?
Wiping with 1 square of toilet paper
Chakshu has multiple mugs with animals on them. Name 2.
Lion, Trash Panda (aka Raccoon)
Name the country or countries that border Kenya.
Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia
Where and when did Chakshu sky dive? (place, year)
Waterloo/Kitchener, 2014
Who is Chakshu's celebrity crush?
Trevor Noah
What's the dumbest thing Chakshu's done when she's drunk?
She ate something a stranger gave her while chilling on the pavement shitfaced