hemodynamic drugs

what dx tests can be used for acute kidney injury (aki) (name 2)?

history-physical exam

serum creatinine & BUN levels

serum electrolytes


Renal US

Renal scan

CT scan


what is the moa for h2 r/c blockers?

decreases histamine, decreases acid


what is the moa of dobutamine?

inc myocardial contractility

dec ventricular filling pressures

dec svr & pawp

inc co & sv & cvp


what is a thermal burn and give an example.

caused by flame, flash, scald, or contact with hot object.

severity of injury depends of the temp of the burning agent and duration of contact time.


name 1 similarity and 1 difference between bph and prostate CA.

similar: dec urine force, dribbling, difficulty start/stop urine stream, frequency, urgency, urinary retention, dysuria


bph: noctura, us shows enlarged prostate with elevated psa, dre enlarged smooth prostate

prostate CA: mets- lunbosacral pain in hips/legs, wt loss; us with biopsy confirms elevated psa, pap is a biomarker that elevates with prostate CA, alk phos suggests mets to bone; dre shows fixed firm nodular mass.


expected outcomes for the pt with ckd include (name 1)

fluid & electrolyte levels within normal limits

acceptable weight with no more than a 10% wt loss


what does serum albumin/prealbumin levels indicate?

nutritional status of pt


what is the moa of nitroglycerin?

venous dilation

dilates coronary arteries

dec preload

glass bottle for infusion

s/e= possible headache


what is a chemical burn and give an example.

results from contact with acids, alkalis, and organic compounds.

what is the purpose of continuous bladder irrigation?

keeps uretha/bladder patent, removes bloody clots; will see pinkish colored urine with clots - eventually become clear urine 


chronic kidney disease (ckd) has 5 stages.  describe the differences between stage 1 vs stage 5.

stage 1: kidney damage with normal or increased GFR (GFR >90)

stage 5: kidney failure; GFR <15 (for dialysis)


what kind of questions might you ask a pt with suspected upper gi bleed?




stools, vomit? if yes what color? looking for blood

nsaid or corticosteroid use

stress level


what is the moa of norepinephrine (levophed)?

B1 adrenergic agonist (cardiac stimulation)

Alpha adrenergic agonist (peripheral vasoconstriction)

renal vasoconstriction

inc bp & map & cvp & pawp & svr

first drug of choice for septic shock after mi


what is a smoke/inhalation injury?

results from breathing noxious chemicals or hot air that damages respiratory tract: upper airway injury, lower airway injury, metabolic asphyxiation.

airway compromise and pulmonary edema can develop within hours of injury.


what is dysmenorrhea and how can we manage it?

painful menses

tx- non pharm = heat, exercise, distraction, acupuncture, TENs

drugs = nsaids, oral contraceptive therapy (helps to suppress ovulation)


the most common cause of death in pts with ckd is cardiovascular related.  name 2 causes.


ischemic heart disease






what is the main manifestation of acute pancreatitis and where is it located?

abd pain due to the distention of the pancreas, peritoneal irritation, and obstruction of the biliary tract.  pain is usually in the LUQ, but it may be mid epigastric.  often rads to back.  eating worsens the pain.  pain has a sudden onset, described as severe deep piercing continuous steady


what is the moa of sodium nitroprusside?

arterial & venous vasodilation

dec preload & afterload

dec cvp & pawp

dec bp

protect solution from light

monitor for cyanide toxicity


what is an electrical burn and given an example.

results from intense heat generated from an electrical current.  direct damage to nerves and vessels causes tissue anoxia/death.  severity of injury depends on the amount of voltage, tissue resistance, current pathway, surface area in contact with current, and length of time that the current flow was sustained.

watch for cardiac dysrhythmias/cardiac arrest, severe metabolic acidosis, and myoglobinuria.


name 1 pro and 1 con of hormone replacement therapy

pro= tx menopausal sx, dec risk for osteoprosis, dec risk for colon CA

con= inc risk for breast/endometrial CA, inc risk for emboli/stroke


nursing management considerations for aki (name 2)?

treat cause

fluid restriction

optimize nutrition

lower K if high: give Ca gluconate (raises the threshold for cardiac excitation), regular insulin IV (moves K into cell), Sodium bicarb (helps correct acidosis and shifts K into cell), Kayexalate (produces osmotic diarrhea to help remove K) 

dialysis if necessary


what are the classifications of jaundice (name 1)?

hemolytic jaundice: caused from blood transfusions reactions, hemolytic anemia, sickle cell crisis

hepatocellular jaundice: caused by cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver CA

obstructive jaundice: caused by cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver CA, common bile duct obstruction from stone, biliary strictures, pancreatic CA


what is the moa for dopamine?

positive inotropic effects: inc cardiac contractility, inc av conduction, inc hr, inc co, inc bp, inc map

can cause progressive vasoconstriction at high doses


what is the emergent phase of a major burn?  and why is hypovolemic shock the greatest initial threat to a pt with a major burn?

emergent phase- lasts up to 72 hrs from time of burn injury.  this phase ends when fluid mobilization and diuresis begins.

massive shifts of fluids OUT of blood vessels because of capillary permeability, begins as early as 20 min after injury.  water, na,& plasma proteins (albumin) move into the interstitial spaces and other surrounding tissues = intravascular volume depletion... 

hypovolemic shock: will see dec bp, inc hr

rbc are destroyed, will see high hct, high K, high na levels in interstitial space during this time period.

at the end of the emergent phase, capillary membrane permeability is restored if fluid resuscitation is adequate; interstitial fluid returns to the vascular space; diuresis occurs, and urine will have a low specific gravity.


name 2 risk factors for cervical CA

infection with high risk strains of hpv 16 & 18, immunosupression, using oral contraceptive therapy for a long time, being exposed to the drug diethylstilbestrol (DES- synthetic estrogen), giving birth to many children, smoking
