Digital Citizenship
Book Care
Check Out
In the Library
Materials and Equipment

True or False: It's OK to share your OUSD password with a friend.

What is FALSE?


I should always use one of these to mark my place in my library books

What is a bookmark?


"Hello, my name is ____. May I please check out this book?"

What is the proper way to greet a parent volunteer at the front desk?


Lined up silently outside, squared up, and listening for instructions.

What do we do before entering the library?

You are allowed to keep your book for this amount of time.
What is two weeks?

This document clearly outlines the acceptable uses for school Chromebooks.

What is the Chabot Digital Citizenship Expectations contract?


I should use one of these while browsing books to make sure I put a book away in its proper spot.

What is a shelf marker?


Read a magazine, read a book from the shelf, read on Sora, or put a book on hold.

What can I do if I forgot to return both of my library books?


These are three places we are not allowed to sit during library time.

What is under a table, between the tables, or under the projector cart?


If you're not finished with your book after two weeks and would like more time with it, you would need to do this.

What is renewing?


An example of who I could talk to if a stranger says something to me online that makes me feel uncomfortable.

Who is a trusted adult? (examples: a parent or other adult family member, a teacher, a librarian)


Where I should put a book I have pulled off the shelf but changed my mind about.

What is a cart?


Minecraft or Roblox books, or graphic novels.

Which books you are not allowed to put on hold?


Use this voice level during the Mindful Moment at the start of library time.

What is Level 0?


The desktop library computers may never be used to do this.

What is play video games?


A type of link that might lead to an advertisement, a fake story, or a scam.

What is clickbait?


True or False: If I don't want someone else to check out a book I might want later, I can just put it on hold

What is FALSE


The amount of time you are automatically allowed to keep a library book checked out (before renewals).

What is two weeks?


True or False: you can check out books that are displayed on top of or face-out on the shelves.

What is TRUE


You will need to do this if a book you have checked out is lost or damaged.

Tell a librarian and/or have your grownup email the librarian.


True or false: It's OK to post a picture of someone online without their permission, as long as they look great in the picture.

What is FALSE. 

ALWAYS ask permission before sharing a picture of anyone else online, even if they are a good friend.

Pets, small children, and water.
What should I keep my book away from?

This is what the desktop computers may be used for.

What is searching the library catalog?


Push in chairs, put unwanted books on the carts, line up quietly, and listen for instructions from your teacher.

What is what we do at the end of library time?


True or False: It's OK to let a friend take home a book that is checked out to you. If they lose it, it will be their fault.

FALSE. If a book is checked out to you, it's your responsibility.
