Who gave us the GOLDEN RULE?
What did people wave when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey?
Palm Branches
Why do we read the Bible?
To learn how much God loves us
To learn how God wants us to live
To learn about God and Jesus
What are the first 3 Fruits of the Spirit?
Love, Joy, Peace
Finish this quote: Do to others as you would
have them do to you.
What are the two main parts to the Bible?
Old Testament and New Testament?
In our Resurrection Eggs, what does the cracker stand for?
When Jesus had the Last Supper with His disciples.
Finish this Verse:
Your Word is a _______
Lamp to my Feet (PK/K)
and a Light to my Path. (1st-5th)
What are the motions for the first 3 Fruits of the Spirit?
Love - Heart with Fingers
Joy - Touch corners of your smile
Peace - Make "peace sign" with your fingers.
True or False? (This is tricky, think about it!)
The GOLDEN RULE means you treat others JUST LIKE they treat you.
What's our trick for finding the New Testament?
Divide the Bible in half.
Then take the second half and divide it in half again.
In our Resurrection Eggs, what does the purple cloth stand for?
Purple is the color of royalty and people said Jesus was a king!
What does "Your Word is a Lamp to my Feet and a Light to my Path" mean?
It means that reading the Bible can help us know the way that Jesus would like us to live. It's like a flashlight shining on what we should do.
What are the second three Fruits of the Spirit, with the motions?
Patience - Both hands on hips
Kindness - Turn one hand over, reach out
Goodness - Put your hand on your chest.
What do we do when we're feeling upset or unsure of what to do?
Pause, Pray, Proceed!
Bibles Ready:
When you hear "GO", open your Bible to Matthew 7:12.
Turn off your mute fast and say your name when you found it AND can read it.
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the law and the prophets.
In our Resurrection Eggs, why is the last egg empty?
Because Jesus wasn't there! (Hallelujah!)
How is the GOLDEN RULE Jesus gives us a lamp to our feet and a light to our path?
It tells us how to treat people. Instead of like they treat us, we have to treat others how WE would like to be treated.
What are the last three FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT, with motions?
Faithfulness - Make praying hands, then move arms like you're running.
Gentleness - Pretend to pet a cat or dog
Self Control - Reach one arm out, pull it back with the other arm.
Where is the GOLDEN RULE found in the Bible?
Matthew 7:12
What are the first 4 Books of the New Testament?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
What did the chief priests do after Jesus rose from the grave?
They gave the soldiers money to say that people had come in the night and stolen Jesus' body from the tomb.
Where is "Your Word is a Lamp to my Feet and a Light to my Path" found in the Bible?
Psalm 119:105
Where do we find the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT in the Bible?
Galatians 5:22 and 25