How many rings are on the Olympic flag?
There are five!
India is the world’s largest producer of bananas. True or false?
Which is the largest bird?
How would you say "hello" in french?
The founder of Rotary.
Paul Harris
The 2018 World Cup for this sport was held in Russia
How many teaspoons are in a tablespoon
What is a dog's most powerful sense?
What do you call magma after it erupts from a volcano?
What is lava!
This founder of Wal-Mart was a member of the Rotary Club of Bentonville, AK.
Sam Walton
Which country invented the game baseball?
What is the popular food used to carve jack-o-lanterns during Halloween?
What is the fastest land animal in the world?
The cheetah (it can reach speeds of up to 120kph)
How many cards are there in a deck of cards?
What is 52 cards,
54 if you include the two jokers!
The year in which women were allowed to join Rotary.
What equipment do you need for a game of tennis?
A racket and a ball
Deer meat is also known by what name?
What is a group of lions called?
A pride
What is the human body's biggest organ? (I can see yours right now)
Herbert J. Taylor? Created this, recited in Rotary Clubs every day
The 4 Way Test
What color belt are Karate experts entitled to wear?
Which is the bestselling chocolate bar in the world?
Which bird beats his wings 60-80 times per second?
What is a hummingbird!
Which Saint’s Day is celebrated on 14th February?
Saint Valentine
Rotary International's first female President, Jennifer Jones was from this North American country.