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This champion's ability is a grab/hook ability that does physical damage and also passively applies % armor penetration per level of the ability

What is Darius E


This champion's ability empowers their next auto attacks in 5 seconds to do true damage on hit

What is Master Yi E


This champion's ability applies a mark on enemies when their other abilities hit an enemy. This champion may auto attack or use their ult to consume this mark dealing magic damage.

What is Lux Passive


This champion's ability grants them attack speed and movement speed buffs that stack up to 5 times per takedown, tower killed, or epic monster killed.

What is Jinx Passive


This champion's ability throws out a projectile that shields allies and refreshes the shield when this projectile returns to the champion.

What is Lux W


This champion's ability dashes in a direction doing physical damage and can be recasted if it hits an enemy. When empowered, this ability shreds armor

What is Renekton E


This champion's ability creates a blast at a target location that deals AOE magic damage after a short windup. This ability does double damage if it only hits 1 target.

What is Karthus Q


This champion's ability slashes in front of them in a cone doing physical and magical damage and gains a shield depending on the amount of enemies hit, increased by champion hits.

What is Yone W


This champion's ability grants them movement speed when moving towards enemies.

What is Vayne Passive

This champion's ability grants allies movement speed while moving towards them and increases the magic damage dealt by her auto attacks and [redacted] scaling off this champion's movement speed

What is Janna Passive


This champion's ability creates a barrier around them that stuns dashes and leaps doing magic damage while also passively providing armor and MR that doubles when this champion is on low hp

What is Poppy W


This champion's ability first slashes then thrusts forwards dealing physical damage and marking enemies hit and also slowing them. This ability also heals the champion scaling off lifesteal.

What is Xin Zhao W


This champion's ability sends a marker at one point and can be recast to send another marker at a different point. Once both markers are casted or if time runs out, the two markers connect stunning anything between them dealing magic damage and also marking the enemies.

What is Irelia E


This champion's ability shoots out a projectile that marks enemies. The next ability or basic attack that consumes this mark deals bonus magic damage. If the mark is consumed by an ability, this champion also regains mana.

What is Ezreal W


This champion's ability grants them a shield equal to 30% of their maximum mana that lasts up to 10 seconds when brought to lower than 30% maximum hp.

What is Blitzcrank Passive


This champion's ability grants the champion a small heal and movement speed buff while also doing max health true damage when this champion hits the [redacted]

What is Fiora Passive


This champion's ability grants them movement speed in bushes which increases towards enemy champions. This ability also marks champions hit by their abilities increasing movement speed towards marked enemies.

What is Nidalee Passive


This champion's ability grants them a shield and dashes to [redacted]. If this champion hits an enemy during the dash, they are stopped, deal magic damage, and they ready a [redacted].

What is Azir E


This champion's ability grants them attack speed upon takedown of an enemy. If this enemy is a champion, the attack speed buff is increased.

What is Varus Passive


This champion's ability passively empowers their auto attack over time to deal bonus magic damage. When this ability is casted, this champion sweeps in a rectangle, displacing enemies caught inside dealing magic damage.

What is Thresh E


This champion's ability marks enemies that are hit by their abilities. When consuming this mark, this champion's attack range is increased and consumption deals bonus physical damage. Consuming this mark also deals true damage when this champion is ulted

What is Ksante Passive


This champion's ability grants them a shield for 6 seconds and while the shield persists, they also gain movement speed that doubles over 3 seconds.

What is Skarner W


This champion's ability makes their auto attacks deal % maximum health magic damage on targets below 50%.

What is Zed Passive


This champion's ability dashes in a direction that increases if it is over a wall. This ability also empowers this champion's basic attacks allowing them to pass through enemies. The cooldown of this ability is also reduced when this champion hits an enemy champion with their auto attack or other ability.

What is Zeri E


This champion's ability allows their auto attacks to mark enemies hit dealing magic damage. Allies can consume this mark dealing additional magic damage. This mark is refreshed by auto attack hits.

What is Renata Glasc Passive
