What does the C in CHAMPS stand for?
What is Conversation.
Voice Level in the Restroom.
Voice level 0.
Timothy is talking and playing while walking down the hall to the cafeteria. Which classroom rule is he breaking?
Rule # 6.
Sharpening your pencil.
Only at the beginning of class during bell ringer.
If you need something to write with after instruction has started, raise your hand and I will bring you a replacement pencil.
Where are CHAMPS expectations for our daily activities located?
In the front, on the white board.
What is the voice level during teacher instruction?
What is voice level 0 (Silence).
Movement in the Restroom.
Move with purpose.
Emma turned in a worked tirelessly and submitted a stellar project. Which rule is she following?
Rule 5.
What is the procedure for entering the class.
Enter quietly, take out all materials, and begin working on bell ringer immediately.
Where are the CHAMPS expectation for the common areas located?
On the classroom door.
Why do we use CHAMPS at GMS
Minimize distractions, safe, civil, engaging school environment.
How do you ask for help in the restroom?
Voice level 1, ask a peer.
While the teacher was up giving instruction, Jaden got up and walked across the class to sharpen his pencil. Which rule is he breaking?
Rule 4.
The procedure if you finish your work early.
Read, study, choose from the activity folders.
Do not go to sleep, or talk.
In the rear of the classroom above the black board.
What are all CHAMPS expectations during Bellringer?
C- Voice Level 0-1
H- Ask a peer, then me
A- Bellringer
M- Limited movement
P- Using notes and resources to complete Bellringer independently.
S- Success!
How many people can be in the restroom at one time?
4 at a time.
Jordan shouted out across the classroom. Which rule is Jordan not being respectful of?
Rule 3.
Attention signal used by Ms. Cole.
Cole: Raise hand, say "Class."
Class: Raise right hand with eyes on Ms. Cole.
Where are the Power words located?
On the 5th closet door.
What does Participation look like in the LINE in the cafeteria?
Voice Level 0.
Face forward.
Quiet movement and with purpose.
When are the three allotted times to use the restroom?
Before morning intake, after lunch, during break
Bringing all required material to class is a portion of which rule?
Rule 1.
Tardy Procedure.
Enter quietly
Excused: Place excuse in my hand.
Unexcused: Sign the tardy log, beside the door.
You will be marked tardy immediately.
Have a seat, take out
Where are the classroom rules, rewards and consequences located?
In the front above the white board.