Werth double the points. What is Wyatt’s favorite color?
What is Sawyers four favorite ice cream flavor?
Where are the Tomlinsons going in August?
Lions and tigers and bears omy!
Wizard of OZ
Captain America is really …
Steave Rogers
If Wyatt had one stuffy in her life it would be ...
Who is Sawyers favorite animaniac?
Werth double points. Were does the show Miraculous take place?
Just keep swimming
Finding Nemo
Who made the movie A rocks life?
What holiday is Wyatts favorite?
Valentine’s Day
Worth double points. What is Sawyers favorite holiday's?
Thanksgiving and Christmas
I do not look back on the past my darling it distracts from the know
Edna Mode/incredibles 1
What is a fun game place Sawyer likes online?
What is Wyatts favorite fruit?
What three shows does Sawyer watch with her parents?
Hercule Poiro, The great British baking show, and the one present club
Name number 13 on the devils
Nico Heisher
I’ve dreamed unhappy things!
A year without a Santa Clouse
Worth double points. What is the name of Sawyers homework club teacher?
Ms. Eli
What is Wyatt’s third favorite hockey team?
What happened to Sawyer on her golden birthday that did not make her feel good?
She accidentally ate some toothpaste
For Weezys birthday party we went to Dicks witch color of the gadorads water bottle was Sam wanting but then changed her mind?
Light blue
Werth double the points. I didn’t choose anything!
Gostbusters 1
Explain what Sawyer did to her teachers on Tuesday ressecs