Conflicts with Native Americans
Native American Culture

White Settlers
and the U.S. Government
Settling the Frontier
Rise and Fall of Populism
The last battle between the Native Americans and the government - it brought an end to an era of "Indian wars".
What is The Battle of Wounded Knee?
Being sacred to the Native Americans, every part of the animal was used and served specific purposes.
What is the buffalo?
This began in the mid 19th century with the discovery of gold in Colorado.
What is the Gold Rush
Under this act any head of household was entitiled to 160 acres of free land with simply the promise of cultivating it for five years.
What is the Homestead Act
These were taken out of circulation after the Civil War making it more difficult for farmers to pay back their debts.
What are greenbacks?
Over 200 Cheyenne and Arapaho warriors and 500 women and children were massacred. Most of the Cheyenne believed that they were under the protection of the U.S. government. This event is also referred to as "Chivington's Massacre".
What is The Sand Creek Massacre?
When it was introduced to Native Americans in 1598 it changed their way of life - Native Americans began to shift from traditional farming to nomadic hunting.
What is the horse?
While Native Americans believed this was held in common and could not be owned, whites tended to believe that it needed to be improved upon by being settled.
What is land?
He believed that the western frontier is what defined the American character - what was truly American was to be found in the west and not the east.
Who is Fredrick Jackson Turner
Started by Oliver Kelley, its original name was the "Patrons of Husbandry".
What is the Grange?
In return for the closing of the Bozeman Trail, it was forced on the leaders of the Sioux - Sitting Bull, however, refused to sign it.
What is the Treaty of Fort Laramie?
Contrary to the common belief,highly developed and disctinctive Native American ways of life existed on it (the grasslands that extend through the west-central part of the U.S.)
What is the Great Plains?
With the discovery of gold and interest in the land in the west, the government began to adopt a policy of placing Native American tribes on these in order to keep the Native Americans out of the way.
What are reservations?
This gave federal land and money to states to help finance agricultural education.
What is the Morrill Land Grant Act?
When paper money is backed by both gold and silver?
What is bimetallism?
During it, Sitting Bull had a vision of soldiers and some Native Americans falling from their horses. As a result, the Native Americans were ready to claim victory at the Battle of Little Big Horn.
What is the sun dance?
In some ways Native American tribal life was similar to that of American political ideologies. The leaders of tribes ruled by counsel rather than force, mirroring the ideals of it.
What is democracy?
He reported that there was gold "from the grassroots down" ultimatley starting a gold rush.
Who is Colonel Custer?
Their social status quo was contradicted by frontier life because everyone needed to help in building a homestead.
Who are women?
With his election, Populsim died out because the "Gold Standard" was re-instituted.
Who is McKinley?
As a result of it, Custer's remaining 7th calvary rounded up nearly 350 freezing Sioux and took them to a camp at Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota.
What is the Ghost Dance Movement?
This was indirectly perfomed on the Native American culture through the slaughter of the buffalo.
What is genocide?
He has been quoted, "I want no peace until the Indians suffer more". This statement led up to the Sand Creek Massacre.
Who is General R.S. Curtis?
These did not bring farmers out of debt as hoped. In creating them, individual farmers held a monopoly over a single crop which enabled them to raise the prices to points no one could afford.
What are bonanza farms?
This governmental reform proposed by the Populist Party would have given farmers a stronger voice in the Senate and would have given them power over laws that impacted them.
What is the direct election of senators?