During which Bet Hamikdash did Hanukka take place:
The second
Why did the Jews play Dreidel?
To hide the fact they were really learning Torah.
In what city did the Kohen Gadol rise?
What did BNY do when they saw the Bet Hamikdash?
They tore their
clothes and threw dirt on their heads and were very sad.
What extra Tefilla do we add to our prayers on Chanuka?
Al Hanisim
Why did they specifically ban the children from learning Torah?
They knew that without the power of Torah, the Jews and kids were worthless.
Who were the Misyavnim?
Jews who had the Greek lifestyle
What was the name of the Kohen Gadul?
Mattisyahu ben Yochanan
The Jews wanted to rekindle the Menorah but couldn't find_______.
On all 8 days of Chanuka we recite_______in Shaharit.
Whole Hallel
What Hebrew day of the month is Chanuka on?
Chof Hey Kislev
Did all the Jews listen to Antiyochus?
Who did Matisyahu appoint before he died?
What did the small jar have on it?
The seal of the Cohen Gadol.
If one is poor does he still have to light if he can't afford to buy candles?
Yes. He would even have to sell the shirt on his back to get money,
What were the three main things Antiyochus uprooted?
What was one more?
Bringing impure animals
Why did Jews learn in the forest?
So the Greeks could not find them.
What does "מִ י כָמו ך בָ אֵּ לִים" mean?
Who is like you Hashem, it was on the shield.
Why is Chanuka called Chanuka?
Because they
rested on the 25th- on the 25th
of kislev they rested from their enemies.
How many candles must be lit?
A minimum of one per house per night.
What was the goal of the greeks?
To get rid of the uniqueness of the people of BNY and to change them to a nation like all the other nations.
Who did not bow down to Antiyochus?
Chana and her 7 sons.
What were the 5 sons names ?
1) Yochanan
2) Shimon
5) Yehonasan
Do we light in private ?
No! Make it public!
Where is the best place to light the Menorah?
By the entrance of the doorway.