What's the name of the general that Yehudis fed?
Which Mitzvos did the Greeks not let the Yidden do?
Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh, Bris, learn Torah
How long do the candles need to be lit?
Half hour after Tzeis HaKochovim
When is longest Birkas Hamozon?
Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh Chanuka
What's biggest Inyan of Chanuka?
Pirsumei Nissa
What's the shortest height menorah needs to be?
3 Tefachim
What's Beis Shammai way of lighting?
If I forgot Al Hanissim in Birkas Hamozon, should I repeat?
If you're careful with chanuka light, you'll be zoche to
children that are Talmidei Chochomim
Finish sentence and connection to chanuka: Maalin Bakodesh....
Velo Yordin, we add candles every day
Why no mention of Chanuka in Mishna?
They knew it already
What happened to Yochonan Kohen Godol?
He became a Tzedoki
Chanuka stands for
Ches Neros Vehalacha Kbeis Hillel
What are we not allowed to do on Chanuka?
Connection bet 3 mitzvos they were not allowed to do & chanuka?
Chanuka has a Shabbos, a Rosh Chodesh & 8 days (like a bris)
Which side of BHMK was the Menorah?
Dorom, south
Which of Matisyahus son was killed by an elephant?
Every YT we keep an extra day for sefeika Deyoma, why not Chanuka?
Cause it's a Mitzva DeRabonon
Why do we keep 8 days? (The first day was not a miracle)
3 reasons. 1.they used a drop from jug, 2. the entire jug refilled, 3. the menorah was still full
Why were they called Chashmonim?
1. The place they were from
2. Their grandfathers name
Why couldn't they get the oil faster then 8 days? (saying that the olive place was closer)
Cause they were Tomei mes from the war, and needed 7 days to become pure, only then they were able to make new oil
The Greeks are descendents of whom?
What are first words of Krias Torah on Chanuka?
VaYehi BaYom Kalos Moshe
Which day of the week can the first day of Chanukah never be?
On Tuesday
What do we read on chanuka & why?
About Chanukas HaMishkon
because originally happened on 25 Kislev
After they cleaned up BHMK, it was a chanukas hamishkan