How many girls have glasses in the high school?
Why do we eat oily foods?
To remember the miracle of oil
What state is Baltimore in?
What is מעלת גרה?
chews its cud
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
The letter M
Say everyone in the classes full name
Mushka, Shaina Chava, Zisel Devorah, Elisheva Leah
how many candles do you light in total? Including the shamashim and without
with-44 without-36
Where does everyone in the class live?
Zeesy- Greengate
Shaina- Greengate
Mushka- Potomac
Shevy- New haven
What parsha are we learning in Sicha?
Parshas Shmini
What has a head, a tail, but no body?
A coin
pick 3 girls in 9th grade and name their family in order
See if you are right!
During which Beis Hamikdash did the Chanukah story take place?
2nd Beis Hamikdash
Whats market mavans color scheme?
green and purple
How does what we eat reflect our behavior?
We are what we eat so eating animals with good traits gives us good traits and eating animals with bad traits will give us bad traits
The more you take, the more you leave behind.
What am I?
Say the story of yehudis
Yehudis was a brave Jewish woman who saved her town from a Greek general named Holofernes. The Greeks were about to win, but Yehudis tricked Holofernes into thinking she was on their side. When he got drunk, she killed him and brought his head back to her town. The Greeks freaked out and ran, and the Jews won. Her story is remembered during Chanukah as a symbol of courage.
What does it say on the 7mile bag?
"the biggest kosher supermarket under one roof"
Say a lesson you learnt from any of the sichos or something you never new before
Ask Mrs. Kaminker if she approves!
The more of this there is, the less you see.
What is it?
how many girls are there in the cheder girls school?
what is the difference when you light menorah in a rented house then lighting in your own house?
there is no mezuzah in the rented house
How many shluchim families are there in baltimore?
What story did Mrs. Kaminker say about the idea of kosher/not kosher meat.
Story of boy, not learning well, Went to rav, rav said eat only kosher meat, ask boy, boy said one time ate at wedding, so went to inn, said to ask shochet, asked shochet, said he made it and after found out that man not properly divorce, so meat not kosher, so that is y, parents more careful, live happy ever after
Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?